
The government is strengthening the disabled to hoist the tricolor in the Paralympics, PM Modi said this from the Red Fort

PM Narendra Modi

PM Modi on Paralympics: Prime Minister Narendra Modi on Tuesday said that his government is giving special training to para-athletes to help them win medals in the Paralympic Games. Addressing the nation from the ramparts of the Red Fort on the 77th Independence Day, Modi said that the children of slums are also showing their might in the world of sports.

PM Narendra Modi

The Prime Minister said, ‘We work to build an accessible India for Divyangjan, so we are enabling my Divyangjan to hoist the tricolor flag of India in Paralympics as well. We are giving special training to the players.

PM Narendra Modi

He said, ‘Now look at the world of sports, who are the children, the children who came out of the slums are showing might in the world of sports today.’

PM Narendra Modi

Differently abled players participate in the Paralympics held every four years and it is considered equivalent to the Olympics held for able-bodied players. The next Paralympic Games will be held in Paris in 2024.

Tokyo Olympics

India had won 19 medals in its best performance at the Tokyo Paralympic Games, which included five gold, eight silver and six bronze medals. India started participating in the Paralympic Games from 1968 and since then it has won a total of 31 medals (nine gold, 12 silver and 10 bronze).

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