
The atmosphere of the state did not deteriorate on Hanuman Jayanti, the Center put the UP government on high alert, what is the advisory of MHA


The central government has expressed apprehension of violence on Hanuman Jayanti. The Ministry of Home Affairs has issued an advisory to all the states for the preparation of Hanuman Jayanti. The state government has been asked to ensure the maintenance of law and order, peaceful observance of the festival and monitoring of any factor that disturbs communal harmony in the society. Keeping in mind the violence in Bihar and Bengal during Ram Navami, the Ministry of Home Affairs has warned the states.

Strict action will be taken against those who disturb communal harmony.

Giving necessary guidelines to all the states and union territories including Uttar Pradesh to be prepared to face any situation, the Ministry of Home Affairs has tweeted. In this, it has been said that the state-union territory governments are encouraged to maintain law and order, maintain peace during the festival and keep an eye on all kinds of factors that are likely to disturb communal harmony in the society. Hanuman Jayanti is to be celebrated across the country on 6th April.

Additional force will be deployed in sensitive areas

Keeping in mind the incidents of violence in the neighboring state of Bihar, the Uttar Pradesh Police is already taking precautions. Sporadic incidents had taken place in the state on Ram Navami, but the police had controlled it showing readiness. The Police Headquarters has also sent the advisory of the Ministry of Home Affairs to the Superintendents of Police of all the districts. Orders have been given to deploy the police force as per the need and to maintain dialogue with the brotherhood committees.


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