
‘Sir, it’s night, where to go..’ When the BPSC teachers came and stood in front of KK Pathak’s car..

Bihar: KK Pathak's order made Guru ji sweat in the cold, salary stopped when he was found sunbathing in school

KK Pathak News: Additional Chief Secretary of Education Department KK Pathak reached Muzaffarpur for inspection on Thursday. KK Pathak said many things while addressing the teachers who came for training at DIET Rambagh. He said that the speed with which the Education Department has completed the process from counseling to posting. You too should start … Read more

Bihar: Government will keep an eye on the education of school children in the new year, possibility of many changes, will benefit from this decision

Bihar: Government will keep an eye on the education of school children in the new year, possibility of many changes, will benefit from this decision

Education News: In Bihar, the Education Department has taken many big decisions in the year 2023. At the same time, there is a possibility of many changes by the Education Department in the year 2024. The department is making many efforts for the benefit of the students. It is known that for the first time … Read more

Bihar: In this school of Darbhanga, children study by putting polythene in them, studies take place on the side of the road, know the reason

Bihar: In this school of Darbhanga, children study by putting polythene in them, studies take place on the side of the road, know the reason

Bihar News: Many efforts are being made by the Bihar government to improve the education system. BPSC is recruiting teachers by organizing teacher recruitment examination. Qualified teachers are being reinstated. The reason for this is that the government education system of Bihar can get a new impetus. Here, Additional Chief Secretary of the Education Department, … Read more

Bihar: Education Department took many important decisions in the year 2023, teachers were appointed, know who is KK Pathak

Bihar: Education Department took many important decisions in the year 2023, teachers were appointed, know who is KK Pathak

Bihar News: The year 2023 has been very special for the education department of Bihar. Many big decisions have been taken by KK Pathak. On the other hand, teachers were also appointed by BPSC. Additional Chief Secretary of Education Department KK Pathak took many decisions. By conducting surprise inspections, he has taken action against teachers … Read more

Bihar: After government schools, orders for teachers of private colleges, this information will have to be given along with taking five classes.

Bihar: After government schools, orders for teachers of private colleges, this information will have to be given along with taking five classes.

Bihar News: After government schools in Bihar, orders have been issued for teachers in private colleges. This order has been issued for all the centers of Aryabhatta Knowledge University. Now it will be mandatory for these teachers to take five classes here. Along with this, many information will also have to be shared. Information about … Read more

Bihar: Now there will be internet facility in schools, instructions issued regarding teachers, know how students will benefit

Bihar: Now there will be internet facility in schools, instructions issued regarding teachers, know how students will benefit

Bihar News: Internet will be launched in government schools of Bihar. In this, many types of facilities will be arranged for the students. ICT lab and e-library are also going to be started through internet. There are many reasons behind introducing internet facilities. Now studies are going to become easier for the students. Through e-library, … Read more

Bihar: Monthly examination will be held in government schools, date released, know the important guidelines before appearing in the exam.

Bihar: Monthly examination will be held in government schools, date released, know the important guidelines before appearing in the exam.

Bihar Board: Monthly examinations will be taken in government schools of Bihar from 28th December. The board has shared information regarding this. Monthly examination of children studying in all government schools of the state will be taken. The exam date for this has been announced. The examination of boys and girls will be taken in … Read more

Bihar: KK Pathak’s surprise inspection creates panic in schools, order to stop headmaster’s salary, teacher suspended

KK Pathak's instructions regarding the selected teachers of BPSC, induction training will start in 77 institutions from this day.

KK Pathak News: Additional Chief Secretary of Education Department KK Pathak inspected eight schools. During this time there has been a stir in the schools. Additional Chief Secretary has also taken action. KK Pathak has given instructions to stop the salary of headmasters of two schools. Also a teacher has been suspended. Additional Chief Secretary … Read more

Special classes will be run for two months for children who fail in government schools of Bihar, know the orders for teachers.

Bihar: Project work will be given to government school children during Diwali-Chhath, know when are the holidays.

Bihar News: Special classes will be run for children failing in government schools in Bihar. An order has been issued regarding this. This decision has been taken in the interest of weak children. Instructions have been given by the Education Department that special classes for two months should be taken for the children of classes … Read more

Bihar: Interactive smart board will be started in government schools, know how teachers will teach through it

Bihar: Interactive smart board will be started in government schools, know how teachers will teach through it

Bihar News: In government schools of Bihar, children will be educated through interactive smart boards. It is going to be started in schools from the new session. This will benefit the children a lot. Interactive smart boards will be used in schools to increase the interest of students. To increase the interest of children studying … Read more