
A day of death is imminent…

A day of death is imminent...

There was a crowd at the clinic. I have time. I placed my palm in front of my eyes. Health dashboard of Meevan app opened on the palm. Death! Yes, this is the tag I chose. Now blocks for every possible method of death from accident to suicide started appearing on the new page. Different … Read more

When is Kajali Teej, Ganesh Chaturthi, Janmashtami and Pitru Paksha in September, see the list of all festivals

When is Kajali Teej, Ganesh Chaturthi, Janmashtami and Pitru Paksha in September, see the list of all festivals

Pitru Paksha 2023: Pitru Paksha is also starting in the month of Bhado i.e. September. During this, performing Shradh, Pinddaan and Shradh of ancestors is considered beneficial. It is believed that during Pitrupaksha, ancestors are on earth and bless their families. The ‘great festival’ of Pitra Dosha Mukti, Pitru Paksha runs from Bhadrapada Purnima to … Read more

Sania reached Noida with a child from Bangladesh, married Saurabh three years ago in Dhaka, know the whole matter

Sania reached Noida with a child from Bangladesh, married Saurabh three years ago in Dhaka, know the whole matter

Noida: The case of Pakistani woman Seema Haider was still going on that now a woman from Bangladesh has reached Noida with her child to meet her lover. The woman has been in Noida for eight days. The woman says that three years ago she had a love marriage with a person living in Noida. … Read more