
Car Servicing: How right is it to get car servicing done from a local mechanic?

Car Servicing: How right is it to get car servicing done from a local mechanic?

Car Servicing: If you have a car, it is important to get it serviced regularly! By doing this, the vehicle will run without any problems for a long time and its maintenance cost will also reduce. Many people get their car serviced from a local mechanic instead of going to the service centre. If you … Read more

Car Care: How to take care of your car in summer season

Car Care: How to take care of your car in summer season

Car Care: As soon as Holi ends, the heat starts showing its effect, we make many arrangements to protect ourselves from the scorching sun, but we fail to protect our car from the heat, the compensation for which has to be paid by making the car sour. Is. In such a situation, the question arises … Read more

If the car starts signaling when the alternator is bad, then be careful! get repairs done soon

If the car starts signaling when the alternator is bad, then be careful!  get repairs done soon

Car Care Tips: If you have a car, then you must have knowledge about its parts. Many parts in cars are so important that without them or if they get damaged, your car cannot move even a step. The most essential component among these parts is the alternator. It helps in keeping your car battery … Read more

Car Care: Please pay attention…these 10 mistakes will make your new car junk!

Car Care: Please pay attention...these 10 mistakes will make your new car junk!

new car It is very important to take care of it after purchasing it. If you take care of some important things in the beginning, you can car Can increase the life and mileage of the car, and can also reduce the expenses on maintenance. By following these tips, you can increase the life and … Read more

This unsung hero keeps your home safe from the highway, know its name

This unsung hero keeps your home safe from the highway, know its name

Reflective Tape For Cars and Bikes: If you have a car and you always travel on the highway, then you must be aware of the safety measures and rules? Many times a person is unable to do even a small task despite knowing everything, due to which he may get into trouble while driving on … Read more

What is the most delicate part of your car? how do you take care

What is the most delicate part of your car?  how do you take care

Car Care Tips: When you go out on the road with a car, you drive it very carefully. While driving, you keep a proper distance from the vehicle in front. Along with this, you also take care that your car does not get scratched anywhere. Take care of him even after coming home. Before leaving … Read more

How To: If your car breaks down in winter, do this work immediately, know important things related to maintenance.

How To: If your car breaks down in winter, do this work immediately, know important things related to maintenance.

New Delhi : Winter season has knocked in India. In this season there is dense fog and severe cold. In such a situation, difficulties increase for car or vehicle owners. Be it winter, summer or rainy season, there is a need to take proper care of vehicles in every season, so that they remain in … Read more

If the smell is coming from inside your car, then by doing these things ‘your girl’ will be impressed.

If the smell is coming from inside your car, then by doing these things 'your girl' will be impressed.

New Delhi : Whether your car is new or old, it is common for its interior to smell. Now you will say that smell does come from vehicles, but you are absolutely wrong in saying this. It is the result of our carelessness that smell comes from the interior or cabin of the vehicle. By … Read more

How to take care of vehicles after monsoon, will the mileage and shine increase?

How to take care of vehicles after monsoon, will the mileage and shine increase?

New Delhi : The withdrawal of south-west monsoon continues in India. This process is expected to continue till the end of October in Eastern India including Jharkhand. Although, there is a possibility of sporadic rain at some places during this period, but now the monsoon is nearing its end and the rainy season is almost … Read more