
Car Care: How to take care of your car in summer season

Car Care: How to take care of your car in summer season

Car Care: As soon as Holi ends, the heat starts showing its effect, we make many arrangements to protect ourselves from the scorching sun, but we fail to protect our car from the heat, the compensation for which has to be paid by making the car sour. Is. In such a situation, the question arises … Read more

Car Care: How to check tire air in a running car?

Car Care: How to check tire air in a running car?

Car Care: If you are driving a car at full speed on the highway, but your car is not giving the mileage it should. In such a situation, before doubting the performance of the engine or any part of the vehicle, you should check the tire pressure i.e. the air in the tyre. The problem … Read more

Car Dry Wash: You can make a water tower by dry washing a car.

Car Dry Wash: You can make a water tower by dry washing a car.

Car Dry Wash: If you have bought a new shining car, then you take all kinds of measures to maintain its shine. Before leaving the house, you must clean it of dust by wiping it with a clean cloth or keep it outside the house and wash it with water. It is fine to polish … Read more

Coolant: How to cool the car if it overheats in summer?

Coolant: How to cool the car if it overheats in summer?

Coolant: Summer is ready to knock in India. In the summer season, humans, animals and even trees and plants start getting burnt due to the scorching sun and intense heat. In such a situation, if you have a car, imagine what its condition would be like. How hot does its engine get in summer? The … Read more

If the car starts signaling when the alternator is bad, then be careful! get repairs done soon

If the car starts signaling when the alternator is bad, then be careful!  get repairs done soon

Car Care Tips: If you have a car, then you must have knowledge about its parts. Many parts in cars are so important that without them or if they get damaged, your car cannot move even a step. The most essential component among these parts is the alternator. It helps in keeping your car battery … Read more

If the battery of a car moving on the highway becomes dead, what is the solution? first understand the signs

If the battery of a car moving on the highway becomes dead, what is the solution?  first understand the signs

EV Car Battery Care: If you have bought an electric car with great enthusiasm, so that you can save the expense of petrol and diesel. What if you are going at full speed on the highway and your battery suddenly discharges or dies? Sudden discharge or dead battery of a car moving on the highway … Read more

No super from Mini Cooper EV, 402 km range on full charge!

No super from Mini Cooper EV, 402 km range on full charge!

Mini Cooper SE EV 2024: Seeing the increasing demand for passenger electric vehicles in India, foreign car manufacturing companies are also launching their models here. These include Hyundai, Honda, Suzuki, BMW, Citroen, Force, Ford, Rolls Royce etc. British car manufacturer Rolls-Royce has just launched the Rolls-Royce Specter EV car in India on Friday, January 19, … Read more

How To: If your car breaks down in winter, do this work immediately, know important things related to maintenance.

How To: If your car breaks down in winter, do this work immediately, know important things related to maintenance.

New Delhi : Winter season has knocked in India. In this season there is dense fog and severe cold. In such a situation, difficulties increase for car or vehicle owners. Be it winter, summer or rainy season, there is a need to take proper care of vehicles in every season, so that they remain in … Read more

If the smell is coming from inside your car, then by doing these things ‘your girl’ will be impressed.

If the smell is coming from inside your car, then by doing these things 'your girl' will be impressed.

New Delhi : Whether your car is new or old, it is common for its interior to smell. Now you will say that smell does come from vehicles, but you are absolutely wrong in saying this. It is the result of our carelessness that smell comes from the interior or cabin of the vehicle. By … Read more

How to take care of vehicles after monsoon, will the mileage and shine increase?

How to take care of vehicles after monsoon, will the mileage and shine increase?

New Delhi : The withdrawal of south-west monsoon continues in India. This process is expected to continue till the end of October in Eastern India including Jharkhand. Although, there is a possibility of sporadic rain at some places during this period, but now the monsoon is nearing its end and the rainy season is almost … Read more