
Bizarre News: The scene inside the house that was deserted for 33 years surprised everyone

Ron gittins House main door

Bizarre news: There have been many artists in the world who passed away in anonymity. A similar incident came to light in Britain after the opening of a house that was closed for 33 years. This house belongs to a famous sculpture. His name is Ron Gittins, who died in 2019. ron gittins painting ‘Ron’s … Read more

Bizarre News: Why is the wine bottle not flat at the bottom, know the reason

wine bottles

Bizarre news: Those who are fond of drinking alcohol recognize its brand and type as soon as they see the bottle. Each type of alcohol is kept in different types of bottles. If we talk about wine bottle, its shape is also different. The base of a wine bottle is not like any other bottle. … Read more

Bizzare News: Can neither go anywhere nor eat anything, know about this girl’s rare disease

Bizzare News

Bizarre News: Everyone in the world has some kind of allergy. But if you are told that a person is so allergic that he can neither go out anywhere nor enjoy any food, then you will definitely be surprised. We will tell you about one such girl. Our body is made in a very complex … Read more

Bizarre: Staff received company mail 6 months after leaving the job

Bizarre: Staff received company mail 6 months after leaving the job

Bizarre Viral Post: Nowadays people are sharing such things on social media that sometimes you will hold your head, and sometimes you will burst out laughing. Recently, in one of his posts on Reddit, a user said that 6 months ago a company fired him from his job. After so many days, he burst out … Read more

Bizarre World War will happen in 2024 Time Traveler told more

Bizarre World War will happen in 2024 Time Traveler told more

Bizarre Time Travel News: There has been a debate going on around the world for a long time on time travel. Questions have been arising in people’s minds whether this really happens? Can anyone travel in time? Can a time machine be built for time travel in the future? But the concept of time travel … Read more

Bizarre Video: Woman was shopping and the ground came out from under her

Bizarre Video: Woman was shopping and the ground came out from under her

Bizarre: Who doesn’t like shopping! Going to the mall and selecting the items of your choice one by one and adding them to your cart. All this seems good until something happens. We will pray for you that what happened to this woman should not happen to anyone else. The ground collapsed from under the … Read more

Bizarre: These 5 big events will happen in the year 2024

Bizarre: These 5 big events will happen in the year 2024

Bizarre: Social media things spread very fast and reach people. People share many things on social media to become famous or to spread sensation. Recently, a similar incident has come to light which has raised many questions among the people. Recently, a person calling himself a time traveler told about five such big events that … Read more

Time Capsule: This thing came out of the ground of the shopping mall that was closed for years.

Time Capsule: This thing came out of the ground of the shopping mall that was closed for years.

Time Capsule: Richland Shopping Mall in Forest Acres area of ​​South Carolina, America was closed for years. Preparations are being made to demolish it and construct a new building. During the demolition of this old mall, the workers found a time capsule. Its pictures are going viral on social media. will be buried again Forest … Read more

Bizarre: This color is more expensive than gold and silver

Bizarre: This color is more expensive than gold and silver

Bizarre: Holi festival is just around the corner. In just a few hours the entire country will be seen immersed in different colors. If you go out and see, you will see colors ranging from yellow to red, green and blue in the market. During this festival of colors, today we are going to tell … Read more