
Sugarcane Juice Side Effects: Know from the dietitian which people should not drink sugarcane juice?

Sugarcane Juice Side Effects: As soon as the summer season starts, the demand for sugarcane juice increases among the people. People like to drink it with great enthusiasm. Because along with natural sugar, many nutrients including vitamins and minerals are found in sugarcane juice. Which are very beneficial for health. However, some people should not drink sugarcane juice even by mistake. Because drinking it can cause many side effects. Let us know from dietitian Monica ji which people should not drink sugarcane juiceā€¦

Sugar patients should not drink sugarcane juice
Sugarcane patients should not drink sugarcane juice even by mistake. This is because it contains high glycemic load (GL) which can badly affect the blood sugar level. If you are a diabetic patient then avoid drinking sugarcane juice.

Do not drink sugarcane juice in case of dental problems.
Most sugar is found in sugarcane. In such a situation, people who have any problem with their teeth should avoid drinking sugarcane juice. Because it can also harm your teeth. If you have problems like dental cavity, gum problems and tooth decay, then it would be better not to drink sugarcane juice.

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in obesity
People who are suffering from obesity should also not drink sugarcane juice. Because sugarcane juice has the highest amount of sugar, which rapidly increases the source of extra calories in our body. In such a situation, people can become obese by consuming sugarcane juice. Therefore, try to drink less sugarcane juice.

People suffering from hormonal imbalance
Most sugar is found in sugarcane juice. Drinking which can cause hormonal imbalance in the body. In such a situation, people who are already suffering from hormonal imbalance should not drink sugarcane juice even by mistake.

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