
Rahul Gandhi has good knowledge of technology, know who said this

A young Indian-American entrepreneur who hosted Rahul Gandhi’s meeting with Silicon Valley startup entrepreneurs active in the field of artificial intelligence (AI) and other modern technologies in California, US, said the Congress leader has a deep understanding of the human aspects of technology. There is understanding and they see it linked to the impact on common people and employment. Shah Sankaran, founder of Fixnix, a startup that provides a cloud-based platform to simplify the GRC (governance, risk, compliance) decision-making process, said- Rahul never claims that he knows everything… but He is always eager to know and learn something new. During the meeting, he admitted that he has limited knowledge on various subjects, but he always displayed his eagerness to gain a deeper understanding of technology.

In favor of regulating technology instead of banning it

Sankaran hosted a program on ‘AI and Human Development: A Chat with Rahul Gandhi’ at ‘Plug and Play’, the startup hub of Silicon Valley. He said that during the program, Rahul told the audience that he tries to follow his father and former Prime Minister Rajiv Gandhi in adopting technology in banking and other sectors. According to Sankaran- Rahul Gandhi is trying to understand that if he becomes the Prime Minister of India through his vision, then how growth and development can be further promoted through innovation. He said that Rahul also indicated that he was in favor of regulating technology instead of banning it.

Technology needs to be regulated, not restricted

Sankaran said- Technology needs to be regulated, not restricted. What is happening in India at present, take the example of Tiktok, if you do not like it, then it is banned. America has not banned Tiktok or drones. He regulates them in a way. He had some problems, so he called the CEO (Chief Executive Officer) of Tiktok to talk to all the members of the Congress (US Parliament).

US Congress investigates at the internal level

Sankaran said- The US Congress investigated it at the internal level. That’s why such talks always happen with so-called technology companies as well. America never imposes sanctions. He regulates the drones. Referring to the conversation with Rahul on ‘Pegasus spyware’ in the meeting, Sankaran said that this ‘spyware’ invented by Silicon Valley and Israel has helped many autocratic rulers of the world.

Rahul cannot be silenced

Sankaran claimed that this technology is being used to silence many politicians, media persons, judges and independent institutions including Rahul Gandhi. He said- But Rahul cannot be silenced, because he does not have any burden. All other opposition parties in India can be silenced as they may have some burden. Today, in fact, Rahul Gandhi has greeted Modi by saying Namaste. Modi must be listening to what he has said.

Rahul Gandhi has a human heart

Sankaran said that from the time he spent with the Congress leader, he learned that Rahul Gandhi has a “human heart” and is very sensitive. He said- He is a good person. In fact I would call him ‘Buddha’. He is a living ‘Buddha’. So I guess he doesn’t run after any of these tempting posts.

future generations can look up to as a role model

Sankaran said- Rahul could have become the Prime Minister, when he had the majority. He could have become the prime minister twice. But, in reality he never became the Prime Minister. If he wanted to become the Prime Minister, no one in the Congress would have objected. He never wanted to become the prime minister. The Indian-American entrepreneur said- I understand that Rahul is such a person, whom the coming generations can see as an ideal. Not only this, now that he has been thrown out of the bungalow he got as an MP, he still does not have an iota of anger or hatred for Modi. Sankaran said- Rahul is like the great Buddha and he follows ‘Dhamma’ in this matter. In many personal conversations, I found that he has a very deep knowledge of not only technology, but many other subjects.

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