
PM Modi US Visit: Prime Minister Narendra Modi will talk to media, White House told ‘Big Deal’

prime minister of India Narendra Modi Is on a state visit to America. In the last stop of his visit, he will hold a press conference with US President Joe Biden and will also answer questions from the media. this information the White House has been given by the officers of He has described this press conference as a ‘big deal’.

Did not hold any press conference in 9 years

The main reason for calling this press conference of Prime Minister Narendra Modi a big deal is that usually he does not answer the questions of journalists in the press conference. The Prime Minister has given many interviews, but till date he has not taken any journalist’s question in the press conference. He has not addressed any press conference till date in his nine year tenure. In 2019, he attended a press conference but did not answer any questions.

National security spokesperson Kirby gave important information

White House National Security Spokesman John Kirby said about this press conference that we know it is a big deal and we are understanding its importance. He told that we are happy that Prime Minister Narendra Modi is attending the press conference in the last phase of his visit and he himself understands that it is very important.

Human rights issue may arise

John Kirby told that Narendra Modi will answer two questions in this press conference. One question will be asked by the people of American media and the second question will be asked by the Indian journalist. This press conference will be strictly controlled and very limited questions will be asked. Significantly, Joe Biden is under pressure from his fellow Democrats to raise the question of human rights in front of Narendra Modi. His government has been facing allegations that democratic values ​​have declined during his reign and the rights of minorities have been violated. This is PM Modi’s first state visit to America.

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