
Old Pension Scheme: Income Tax Department employees staged a strike to implement the old pension before the Lok Sabha elections.

Agra. Employees of the Income Tax Department located at Sanjay Place staged a protest demanding old pension and arrears. During this time, the employees demanded everyone to gather and raise their voice together to demand the old pension. In Agra, the Income Tax Employees Federation, Agra Region, Agra has demanded the implementation of the old pension and the cancellation of the new pension scheme. Employees of all the Income Tax Departments of the country including Agra staged a one-day protest to demand payment of arrears of employees. And raised his demand strongly. Ajit Mishra, President of Income Tax Employees Federation, Agra Region, said that the government has implemented a new pension scheme by abolishing the old pension. Due to this, the future of the employees is in danger. After completion of the service period, retired employees have only one source of self-respect, pension. But it was abolished by the government. In such a situation, the employee will become helpless and weak after retirement. And that is why we will continue our protest against this decision of the government.

After the elections the government will put the demand on hold

Income Tax Employees Federation Agra Region Agra Secretary Santosh Kesari said that we only have time till the 2024 Lok Sabha elections. Because if we put forward our demands strongly before the government then perhaps the government will accept our demands. But if our demands are not met before the elections then this problem will be put on the back burner. In such a situation, we have to stand in unity with each other. And to protest against the new pension scheme along with the demand for old pension and arrears. President Ajit Mishra, Secretary Santosh Kesari, Joint Secretary Yatendra Pandey, Vice President Satyendra and Chairman of Income Tax Department Goa Atul Chaturvedi in the protest demonstration by Income Tax Employees Federation Agra Region Agra. And all the employees were present along with Secretary Vijay Narayan. This protest was carried out under the banner of JCA.

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