
Kanpur: Student stabbed after ragging and beating in CSA, investigation committee formed….

Kanpur.A case of ragging has come to light in Chandrashekhar Azad University of Agriculture and Technology (CSA). A first semester student of B.Sc (Hons) Agriculture has accused two of his senior students of ragging. When he protested, the senior not only beat the student but also injured him with a knife. Along with filing a complaint at Nawabganj police station, the injured student has also complained to the Dean Student Welfare (DSW) of the university. The victim student told the police that he lives in room number 24 of Tilak Hostel. On Monday night, he was found outside his room. Was standing. Then two students of seventh semester came into the hostel and started ragging. When people protested, they became intent on fighting. He started abusing, kicking and punching, meanwhile one of the seniors attacked him with a knife, due to which blood started flowing from his nose. Seeing the blood, the students threatened and ran away.

Formation of committee for investigation

DSW of the University, Dr. PK Upadhyay said that the matter has been informed. Information about the altercation was received at the initial level. There is an allegation of ragging of a first semester student, a committee has been formed to investigate which will be done within a week. Will submit its report, on the basis of which further action will be taken. Meanwhile, the victim student said that the accused student should be in RAVE’s training, but he is roaming around in the campus.

Both parties were called to the police station

DCP Central Pramod Kumar says that there was an allegation of assault on the students. Those accused are said to be seniors. Both the parties were called to the police station. The police heard both the parties but then they went to register their complaint with the registrar. He left after saying that the word ragging was not used in the complaint. Talks have been held with the registrar in this matter. If their investigation confirms the existence of ragging, then action will be taken by filing a report in this matter.

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