
Hug Day Special: There are many benefits of hugging your favorite person, know here


Benefits of Hugs: Valentine Week is currently being celebrated among loving couples. The sixth day of Valentine’s Week i.e. 12th February is celebrated as Hug Day. In a world full of stress, a simple activity like a hug has emerged as a universal source of comfort. Apart from the warmth and emotional connection it provides, scientific research reveals unlimited health benefits associated with this age-old gesture. In a world where human connections often struggle with busy schedules and social norms, a loving hug can be a panacea for both emotional and physical ills. The science-backed benefits of hugging encourage us to adopt this activity wholeheartedly. Today in this article we are going to tell you about some benefits of hugging your favorite person. So let us know about them in detail.

Decline in Stress Levels

stress reduction

When life becomes burdensome, a hug can prove to be a powerful friend. Research shows that supportive touch during stressful times not only comforts the person being hugged, but also reduces stress in the person providing support. Neurological responses reflect rewards associated with maternal behavior, highlighting stress-relieving potential.

Boost Immune System

Boosts the immune system

Surprisingly, the stress-reducing effect of hugs even extends to strengthening our immune system. Research shows that people with strong support systems, including regular hugs, are less likely to get sick. Even in cases of illness, people with strong support networks experience mild symptoms. The immune boosting powers of hugs establish them as an active measure against falling ill.

heart health

Important for heart health

Hugging isn’t just good for the soul. Rather, it is also a practice for heart health. Research comparing hugging and holding hands between romantic partners shows that the latter results in significant reductions in blood pressure and heart rate. These findings highlight the potential heart benefits of developing an affectionate relationship, highlighting the positive effects that hugging can have on heart health.

Happiness Hormone

Oxytocin’s role in happiness

Oxytocin, also known as the cuddle hormone, takes center stage during hugs. This chemical, associated with happiness and stress reduction, experiences an increase when we engage in physical closeness. Particularly effective in women, oxytocin reduces blood pressure and the stress hormone norepinephrine. The frequency of hugs in close relationships, whether with a romantic partner or an infant, enhances these positive effects.

Helps in Reducing Pain

Pain reduction through therapeutic touch

Beyond its emotional impact, touch, including hugs, has therapeutic properties. Research on fibromyalgia patients undergoing therapeutic touch treatment shows an increase in quality of life and reduction in pain. Hugging, as a tactile form of touch, promises to reduce physical pain and contribute to an improved sense of well-being.

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