
Health Tips: Know what is ‘Power Mudra’ and practice it like this

Health Tips: Today, in a world full of busy lifestyle, stress has become an important part of human life. Due to the desire to achieve everything in a short time, the anxiety among people is continuously increasing. Due to this, people are not able to focus on their work and are becoming victims of mental illnesses. To get rid of these problems and reconnect with their inner self, people do a lot of meditation and exercise. They also try to find ways to use their inner strength, so that they can live a better life. Practice of Power Mudra can play an important role in providing relief from these problems. Know what is ‘Power Mudra’ which is also practiced by influential people of the world.

Cristiano Ronaldo and Elon Musk also do power pose

Power Mudra is not only practiced by sages and sages, but at present some influential people around the world also practice it. These include people from entertainment, business to spirituality, who are often seen doing this mudra in their daily life. Some people can be seen practicing power posture when they are sitting idle or in an interview. A few days ago, in an interview, star footballer Cristiano Ronaldo was seen sitting in power posture with his hands in the right place. At the same time, in the world of technology and exploration, Elon Musk was also seen doing this posture. In one of his interviews, Musk’s hands were folded in the same way as in a power posture. Apart from this, famous entertainment actor Robert Downey Jr. has also been seen sitting in power posture in many pictures.

What is ‘Power Mudra’

Even though ‘Power Mudra’ may sound new, it is very old. Power Mudra has been an integral part of Indian culture, which today people all over the world are adopting to keep themselves mentally healthy. Power Mudra is a form of yoga and meditation, which has been a part of the lifestyle of Indian sages for centuries. Practicing this brings energy to the body. It also helps in maintaining concentration of mind. ‘Power Mudra’, also commonly known as Shakti Mudra.

Benefits of ‘Power Mudra’

Practicing Power Mudra is beneficial for both mind and body. Primarily it helps regulate the flow of energy throughout the body, which in turn makes you feel more powerful from within. It also helps in staying healthy. It is believed that Power Mudra can increase concentration and focus. It is effective for those who are struggling with mental problems. Also, those people who do not have any fixed goal in life. It is said that regular practice of Power Mudra strengthens the immune system. Provides relief from stress. It can also help people to adjust to themselves.

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Practice Power Mudra like this

Power Mudra is quite easy to practice. This can be included in your daily routine. Even though the practice of Power Mudra is simple, it is quite effective. Follow these steps to practice Power Mudra.

  • To practice Power Mudra, first sit in a comfortable position on the floor or on a chair. During this, take special care that your spine is straight and your shoulders are in a relaxed posture.
  • After this, bring your hands on your knees and your palms should be upwards.
  • Now gently touch the tip of your thumb with the tip of your index finger and keep the other fingers relaxed.
    -Now you remain in this posture and breathe slowly. While doing this try to calm yourself.
    -After this, now feel the energy flowing in your fingers and your body. In this way, you will not only feel a wave of energy, but your mind will also remain calm.

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