
Be careful if you use your smartphone for more than 4 hours! Important news for children and elderly

If you also use your smartphone for more than four hours a day, then this news is for you only. In fact, recently a study has come out which will force you to think. This study states that individuals (youth between the age group of 10-19 years) who use smartphones for more than four hours per day may be at greater risk of harmful mental health. A team from Korea-based Hanyang University Medical Center analyzed data from more than 50,000 youth participants to deepen the understanding of the relationship between youth smartphone use and their health (physical and mental). Even before the research was done, it was shown that smartphone use among growing children has increased in recent years, and this use is said to be associated with adverse health problems such as sleep problems, mental disorders and musculoskeletal disorders (MSDs). Is associated with high risk.

Hanyang University Medical Center data

The data included the estimated number of daily hours each participant (out of 50,000) spent on their smartphone and various health measures. Propensity score matching is employed in statistical analysis to help take into account other factors that may be associated with health outcomes, such as age, gender, and socioeconomic status. Youth who are using smartphones for more than four hours per day have been found to have higher rates of stress, suicidal thoughts and substance abuse than those who use less than four hours per day. But, it is important to point out that youth who use smartphones for one or two hours every day experience less problems than those who do not use smartphones at all.

This problem can occur due to excessive use of the phone.

sleep problems : A person does not sleep due to screen time. As one looks at a smartphone screen, light signals the brain that it is still light outside and that the person needs to remain awake throughout the day.

Mental Disorder: This includes mental illness including anxiety disorders, depression, and schizophrenia (a serious mental condition involving an emotional breakdown through thought, behavior, and feeling, which can lead to faulty perception, and disconnection from reality and personal relationships. ). This also includes eating disorders and addictive behaviors.

Musculoskeletal Disorders (MSD): It is a disorder of the muscles, tendons, nerves, cartilage, joints and spinal discs. It is activated when someone keeps them in the same position.

For your information, let us tell you that today’s smartphones have become much smarter. There are many such features provided in it, using which you can control your screen time. There must be a screen time option in the settings of your phone, through which you can find out how long you use your phone. The second feature is Bedtime Mode. You can go to sleep by turning on this feature. If you give your phone to your children, then give it only with kids mode on. Make a plan for yourself as to how long you have to use the phone. Because your health is everything. Use the phone only for essential purposes.

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