
16 Congress MLAs who went to Delhi were sent to Hyderabad, will now return to Patna on February 11

Patna. The party has sent the Congress MLAs from Bihar to Hyderabad, who had gone to Delhi on the invitation of Congress National President Mallikarjun Kharge. It is said that all the Congress MLAs who attended the Delhi meeting are being sent to Hyderabad. Congress is afraid of losing its MLAs. Therefore, a decision has been taken to keep him imprisoned in Hyderabad. Congress MLAs from Bihar will be kept in the same resort where MLAs from Jharkhand were kept.

State President confirmed

State Congress President Akhilesh Prasad Singh has confirmed this while talking to a news agency. Akhilesh Singh has said that our 16 MLAs are reaching Hyderabad. The remaining three MLAs of the party will also reach Hyderabad soon. There are 19 Congress MLAs in Bihar, but at present only 16 have been sent to the resort in Hyderabad. All of them had gone to Delhi to attend the meeting.

First called to Delhi then sent to Hyderabad

Regarding the MLAs who had gone to Delhi to participate in the meeting, it was decided on Saturday itself that Congress MLAs should be kept out of Bihar till 11 February. It was decided on Sunday to send him to Hyderabad, the capital of Congress-ruled state Andhra Pradesh. Congress sees Hyderabad as the safest place. Earlier, the Grand Alliance MLAs of Jharkhand were also kept in Hyderabad.

Three MLAs missing

All the Congress MLAs in Bihar were called to Delhi on Saturday itself. There Congress National President Mallikarjun Kharge was to hold a meeting with all the MLAs, but two Congress MLAs did not attend the meeting. Today three MLAs have not gone to Hyderabad. They include Siddharth, Abidur Rahman and Vijay Shankar Dubey. Siddharth and Abidur Rahman were also not present in the meeting of Mallikarjun Kharge on Saturday citing health reasons. Meanwhile, Vijay Shankar Dubey returned to Bihar after Saturday’s meeting. These three MLAs have also been asked to reach Hyderabad.

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