
Zojila Tunnel Construction: 40 percent construction work of Zojila tunnel completed, deadline reached in 2030

Zojila Tunnel Construction: The deadline for the completion of the Zojila tunnel, which provides connectivity between the Kashmir Valley and Ladakh in all seasons, has been extended due to difficult geographical conditions and meteorological challenges. The officers said this.

Asia’s longest tunnel of its kind

He told that this tunnel will reduce the time taken to cross Zojila Pass from four hours to just 15 minutes. It is said that this will be the longest tunnel of its kind in Asia and will be at the highest altitude.

40 percent construction work completed

40 percent construction work completed

Officials said that 40 percent of the construction work of this 13 kilometer long tunnel has been completed, but the geographical location and weather are posing such challenges that the remaining work is taking so long.

construction work had to be stopped several times

Captain IK Singh of the Border Roads Organization told ‘PTI-Bhasha’, “This is an avalanche-prone area. The construction work had to be stopped several times due to difficulties arising due to weather and geographical location. This tunnel was to be ready by December, 2026. But now keeping in mind the challenges, its deadline has been extended to December 2030.

This tunnel project on the Zojila Pass at an altitude of 11,578 feet on the Srinagar-Kargil-Leh National Highway is strategically important.

the tunnel will overcome this obstacle

This highway remains closed during the winter season due to heavy snowfall, which cuts off the Ladakh region’s contact with Kashmir. This tunnel will overcome this obstacle and will prove to provide all-weather connectivity to Ladakh. This tunnel will be from Baltal in Ganderbal district in central Kashmir to Mini Marg in Kargil district of Ladakh.

The construction of this tunnel is being done at a cost of Rs 6,800 crore.

Prime Minister Narendra Modi had laid the foundation stone of Zojila tunnel in 2018. The Cabinet Committee on Economic Affairs, headed by Modi, had approved the construction, operation and maintenance of this tunnel at a cost of Rs 6,800 crore.

Know about Zojila tunnel

• The construction work of Zojila Tunnel started in October, 2020

• Will be ready by December, 2026, 28 percent work completed

• Connects Baltal located in Ganderbal district to Minimarg of Drass in Kargil district

• Ladakh’s road connectivity through Kashmir will be maintained throughout the year due to the construction of the tunnel

• Located at an altitude of 11.578 feet on the Srinagar-Kargil-Leh National Highway

• This single tube tunnel will be 13.14 km long.

• 18 kilometer approach road is also being built, 60% work completed

• The total length including the approach road is 31 km.

• Excavation of three kilometers each from both the ends has been completed.

• New Austrian system being used in excavation

it will benefit

Under the prevailing conditions, it will take only 20 minutes for the vehicles to cross Joji La, if the weather and road are favourable. Now it takes at least three hours.

• Its formation will save fuel. Also environmental protection will be helpful

• The burden on the common people and on the exchequer will be less

• Road accidents happening in Zojila will also be stopped.

Know its benefits

• Will protect passengers from avalanches and heavy snowfall

• Connectivity will be available throughout the year, there will be economic development of Sonamarg

• Tourism will flourish in Sonamarg, adventure tourism options will open

• Development will open up new employment options in the area

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