
Your data is stored on Google Play Store, know how to delete it

How To Delete My Data on Google Play Store: Android smartphone users will not be unaware of Google Play Store. Android smartphone users download various types of apps and games for their phones from Google Play Store. Very few people would pay attention to the fact that along with downloading apps on Google Play Store, a lot of their data gets stored here. Your data should be saved on Google Play Store, if you do not want this, you can delete it yourself. The process of deleting data from Google Play Store is very easy. You can remove your data by following some easy steps. Let us know how-

First of all, know that the data present in Google Play Store gets saved in the background. Because of this, sometimes the Play Store starts working slowly. Along with this, let us also tell you that sometimes your phone also starts hanging due to excess data being stored. If you are facing such problem with your phone, then you can remove the data from your Google Play Store. Know here what is its easy process-

Delete data from Google Play Store of your Android phone like this –

First of all you have to open Settings in your Android smartphone.

After this, scroll down in Settings and tap on Apps option.

In Apps you have to click on All Apps

Now you will see the option of Google Play Store in All Apps.

By going to Google Play Store, you have to go to Storage and Cache.

By clicking on this option you can delete your data present in Google Play Store.

You will have to log in to the app again

After deleting data from Google Play Store, you will need to keep one thing in mind. After deleting data from Google Play Store, you may have to log in again to many apps. It is quite possible that along with the deletion of data, the login ID password of the app may also be deleted. In such a situation, if you do not want to lose access to any app or have to log in to the app again, then our advice is that it would be better to avoid deleting the data.

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