
World’s Richest Village: This is the richest village in the world, every citizen has crores of rupees in his account.

World’s Richest Village: Whenever villages are discussed in the world, only one thought comes to our mind. There will be kutcha houses, kutcha roads. People must be wearing simple clothes. Have you ever heard of a village where crores of rupees are deposited in the accounts of its citizens. Or do you know about any such village where all the facilities like cities are available. Not only this, there are facilities in this village to beat the cities. This village is located in the Jiangsu state of China and its name is Wakshi.

Village named as Super Village

This village in China is such that by reaching there you can easily get facilities like the capital of any country. You may be feeling a bit surprised after reading all this, but this is 100 percent true. Considering the facilities of this village, it has been named as Super Village. The village has 72-storey skyscrapers, helicopter taxis, theme park and luxury villas. These facilities available in the village make it different from the cities.

‘Once upon a time the village was very poor’

It is said that this village was established in the year 1960 by a leader of Wu Rainbows. There was a time when this village was very poor. But, suddenly the fate of this village changed and it became the richest village in the world. Not only this, the houses of this village look no less than a hotel. Taxi and theme park are also present in this village. Apart from this, the roads of this village always shine like ‘gold’.

Every person has more than 1 crore deposits in the bank

According to a media report, there are 2,000 registered residents in this village, each of whom has more than Rs 1 crore 10 lakh. Here every person lives in a villa, which is made of the same and drives in luxury cars.

Why is Vakshi village so rich?

Seeing the beauty and luxury of Vakshi village, everyone wonders what is special about this village, which makes it the richest village in the world. Actually, big steel and shipping companies are present in this village, where business worth crores of rupees is done.

In such a situation, the local people also benefit from the companies present in Wakshi village, who give their land to set up the company and in return enjoy a luxury lifestyle. Local secretary Wu Renbo played an important role in bringing Wakshi village to this stage, who convinced the villagers to bring the companies.

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