
World Water Day: Water crisis may deepen in Jamshedpur, every person wastes 70 liters of water daily.

World Water Day 2024: Jamshedpur, Brajesh Singh: There are speculations regarding water that in the future there will be a war only over water. At the same time, Jamshedpur is quite carefree about this till now. The main reason for this is the availability of water. The situation is different in Tata Command Area and non-Tata Command Area, but according to a study, the people of Jamshedpur use more water than the per capita consumption of water in the country. Read this report on World Water Day.

Daily water consumption of 200 liters per person
According to AC Nielsen survey, per capita water consumption in the country should be 130 liters per day, but in Jamshedpur, around 200 liters of water is consumed per person. Well, there has been some improvement in this also. About seven years ago, water consumption was 232 liters per person per day. But this is also too much. The source of water in Jamshedpur is Subarnarekha and Kharkai rivers, while groundwater exploitation is also quite high. Apart from this, water is also supplied to Tata Command Area from Dimna Dam, which has been established by Tata Steel.

There is about 6 percent water loss in the city.
Water is supplied to Adityapur, Mango and many surrounding areas through Chandil Dam and Sitarampur Dam. There is about 6 percent water loss in the city. According to the latest data, about 50 percent of water is wasted in residential areas compared to the national average. Water supply is much better in Tata lease area of ​​Jamshedpur. Under this, there are 18079 water connections through pipes in the quarters of Tata Steel, while there are a total of 13705 water connections in the sublease area, while there are 19067 water connections in the garden area. There are 11300 connections in Moharda of Birsanagar. Apart from this, there are more than 25 thousand water connections in Mango, while in Jugsalai also about 120 people have water connections. Tata Steel UISL supplies water for Tata Steel in Jamshedpur, where people get on-demand water supply, while areas outside the Tata lease can get one-time water supply. Tata Steel UISL supplies water to 64 square kilometer area, of which 90 percent has water connection. Water connections of more than 730 kilometers have been provided. 213 MLD water is supplied after treatment.

Drain water is treated in Jamshedpur.
Jamshedpur is the only city where drain water is treated. Under this, the waste water flowing from the city drains is treated and recycled. This Tata Lease Command Area is also a role model for rain water harvesting. Sewage recycling is 34 million liters daily. Work is underway on a plan to recycle all the drains here.

groundwater going to lowest level
According to an assessment, groundwater is continuously going down in Jamshedpur. The water level in non-Tata lease areas of the city has continuously gone down. Many surrounding areas including Bagbera, Kitadih, Ghaghidih have gone down by 500 feet. At the same time, in Mango also the ground water level has gone below 200 feet. The water level in the surrounding areas including Adityapur has gone down, which is a matter of concern.
Subarnarekha and Kharkai rivers are also shrinking rapidly.
Swarnarekha River and Kharkai River are also shrinking rapidly. Its water level is continuously going down. The water level of the river has reached its lowest level in five years.

Save water in these ways inside the house

  1. Many times we keep the tap open while brushing, shaving, face wash or while washing utensils in the sink, due to which a lot of water is wasted, so open the tap only when needed.
  2. Use bucket and mug instead of shower for bathing. This will save a lot of water.
  3. Instead of using the flush tank every time after using the toilet, pouring water from a bucket is a better option.
  4. If there is a pipe leak somewhere in the house, get it repaired immediately. Due to this, a lot of water gets wasted little by little.
  5. Use bucket and mug instead of pipe to wash the car.
  6. Washing a few clothes at once in the washing machine instead of washing them every day saves a lot of water.
  7. Not only in homes but also in public parks, streets, localities, hospitals, schools and any such places, if taps are damaged or pipes are leaking, then inform the concerned office about it. With this, wastage of thousands of liters of water can be prevented.
  8. A lot of water can be saved by watering the plants in the garden and around the house through a water can instead of using a pipe.
  9. It is better to water the garden at night instead of during the day. Due to this water does not evaporate. Irrigation is done with less water and trees and plants do not dry up.
  10. A large amount of water can also be saved by using low-cost modern technologies for irrigation in fields.

Saving water is everyone’s responsibility, everyone will have to work hard: Chanakya Chaudhary
Tata Steel Vice President Corporate Services Chanakya Chaudhary has said that saving water is everyone’s responsibility. Everyone will have to work hard for this. If this is not done then very difficult situations may arise in the coming days.

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