
World Tourism Day 2023: Enjoy the beauty of Goa in between, you will never forget the adventurous journey

World Tourism Day 2023 Special: There is more diversity in the tourism of Uttar Pradesh than anywhere else, every area here has a specialty within itself. And when it comes to eco-tourism, what can UP say, you will easily see many rare wild animals roaming in the forest areas here. From the beautiful banks of the river to the group of unseen birds and the panoramic view of the amazing treasures of nature. . All this is a part of the eco-tourism of UP. And when it comes to Chuka of Pilibhit, the joy of all this increases many times more. The wait for the arrival of tourists is about to end. Tourists will be able to enjoy the beauty of this place from 15th November.

Chuka is popular among tourists as Mini Goa.

Situated in the foothills of Rohilkhand, Pilibhit has a very beautiful appearance. It has the modernity of the plains as well as the attraction of the mountain-like weather. And when it comes to Chuka, which is famous as a natural picturesque view, then what is there to say. Due to its beauty, Chuka is also famous among the tourists by the name of Mini Goa. Located in the forest of Mahaof Range in the Tiger Reserve, nature has lavished its wealth on Chuka. Every bit of the place has so much beauty within itself, that Tourists become mesmerized by this environment.

Reached from major cities like this

From the capital Lucknow, Chuka can be reached from Sitapur, Shahjahanpur, Bareilly and Pilibhit, whereas from New Delhi, tourists can reach Chuka from Moradabad, Bareilly and Pilibhit. If we talk about air route, Lucknow Airport is the nearest one. The main entrance of Chuka Beach, a tourist destination located 37 kilometers from Pilibhit headquarters, is Mustafabad Guest. From here tourists park their vehicles and roam around in the forest.

Pilibhit Chuka Tourism

You can enjoy Chuka from 15th November to 15th June

Tourists can visit here from 15 November to 15 June. Arrangements for 26 jungle safari vehicles have been made by the Forest Department. Maximum six people can go on the tour in one vehicle. The vehicle cost of Rs 3300 has to be deposited at the entry counter. After this, apart from Chuka Beach, tourists visit five other places in the forest. Two times a day have been fixed to visit the forest, in which the time is from 6 am to 3 hours. The tour time is from 3 pm to 6 pm. The world of tigers in the forest is also unique. Tigers roaming in the forest remain the center of attraction for tourists.

The area is spread in the forest for 14 kilometers

In fact, Chuka is like the most spectacular gem among the major eco-tourism places of Uttar Pradesh. Its delightful place is spread in the forest for 14 kilometers. Not only is there an influx of extinct species of wild animals, the climate of nature is also pleasant. There is also a 22 kilometer long and three to five kilometer wide Sharda Sagar Dam, where Water comes directly from Banbasa Barrage. Its immense water flow makes one feel the waves of the sea. Walking around the shore feels like strolling on the beach. That is why it is also called Mini Goa. Three rivers flow from Sharda Sagar. Three more canals have emerged. Due to these, this area looks quite picturesque.

Tall and thick Sal trees make this area very dense.

Eco tourism spot Chuka Beach today remains the first choice of tourists due to its beauty. Tall and thick Sal trees make this area very dense. Due to being surrounded by natural barriers along the banks of Sharda Sagar reservoir, there is little human interference here. It is negligible. Due to its natural environment, a beautiful place like Chuka is not available not only in Pilibhit but in the entire Uttar Pradesh. The forest here is full of endangered species of wild animals. The most important among them is the tiger, whose favorite area is this. The roar of the tiger is usually heard at night. Apart from this, Barasingha or Swamp Deer, Chital or Spotted Deer, Sambar, Padha i.e. hog deer and Kakad i.e. barking deer can be seen playing pranks.

Tourists like the intoxicating atmosphere very much.

They like the intoxicating atmosphere here very much. Due to the variety of birds, Chuka remains vibrant. Along with this, this area is also home to Bengal Florican, Wild Pig, Langur, Wild Hen, Peacock, Nilgai, Bear, Nilgai and Vulture. It is buzzing with other wildlife. Similarly, while visiting Chuka, tourists also come across Night Jar. Night Jar is a kind of owl. In dense darkness, its eyes shine so much that they are visible from a long distance and when the tourists approach it, it disappears from their sight. Playing with the tourists like this is one of its habits.

The sight of the rising sun is special

While passing through the road passing through this dense forest surrounded by the trees of Teak, Sal, Asna, Arjun, Kachnar, Kanju, Harr Baheda, Kusum, Siras, Haldu, Khair, Gular, Dhak, Semal, Shisham, when the natural environment of Chuka When tourists enter the city, as the city noise, pollution and stress of life goes away, they feel a pleasant atmosphere that provides peace to the mind. At some places, the sight of the rising sun makes a place in their memories forever, while at other places, the rays of the sun reflected in the water fascinate the heart. In the morning, when the sunlight reaches down after filtering through the tall trees, its rays also become colorful. It happens.

Tree hut, bamboo hut and water hut are very special.

The state government has made special arrangements so that the tourists coming to Chuka can conveniently see the wild animals and get a better natural environment to live in. Watch towers have been installed at various places, so that tourists can see the beauty of this place. The Nature Gallery has a collection of pictures of wild animals, birds and herbs. Along with this, to promote eco-tourism on Chuka Beach, Aranya Vihar, Nature Interpretation Centre, tree-hut built on 25 feet high trees, bamboo hut and water hut have been constructed. These are always buzzing with the influx of tourists. Are. And tourists do not forget to praise them.

Facility of online booking is available

With the introduction of online booking facility, tourists are now assured about their accommodation arrangements during their arrival. With this, they make advance booking as per their convenience and choose Aranya Vihar, Tree Hut, Bamboo Hut or Water Hut. For the convenience of tourists, arrangements have also been made for solar lights and high capacity generators. Along with this, on the instructions of Chief Minister Yogi Adityanath, a special initiative is being taken to promote eco-tourism in Chuka Beach. For the purpose of publicity, videography of the huts built in Chuka Beach and their features has also been done.

Siberian birds make roosts

In fact, on one side there is a very beautiful forest and on the other side, the flowing water of Sharda Dam fascinates the tourists at the very first sight. Along with the native birds, Siberian birds also make their home here. The team from Mumbai and Delhi has also conducted a survey of the floating hut here. In this way, if we look at the entire network of Chuka Eco Tourism Spots site, it includes Chuka spot-forest area, Lagga-Bhagga-forest area, network of irrigation-canals, nature trail-biodiversity under forest area, Sharda Sagar-fishes and various types of Colorful birds, banks of the reservoir adjacent to the forest area, panoramic view of the Sharda River, origin of the Gomti River – Phulhar Lake, Pasganwa Bird Reservoir, biodiversity in the Terai area, cultural diversity of Bengali and Eastern Uttar Pradesh found around the forest area. Has happened.

Eco tourism center Chuka Beach got a place in the tourism calendar.

In view of these characteristics of Chuka, Chuka Beach, the eco-tourism center of Pilibhit Tiger Reserve, has been given a place in the tourism calendar made at the government level. In the tourism calendar, the picnic spot of Chuka Beach has been shown saying that people can visit here. It gives solace and peace to the mind. Local and foreign tourists are seen enjoying the natural beauty by visiting the forest here. The state government now wants to make it even more popular by including it in the tourism calendar. Therefore, work has been done at various levels. going.

Chuka included in eco tourism circuit

In fact, the famous tourist destination Chuka has been included in the eco tourism circuit of the state. A total of 38 such places have been identified in the state, Chuka is also included in it. The Chief Minister announced to pay special attention to Chuka. Following his instructions, a plan was also prepared for this place. In this series, work was done to better connect the eco-tourism center Chuka with the big cities including the capital of the country and the state. In fact, a few years ago, Chief Minister Yogi Adityanath himself had visited Chuka. The beautiful views here had fascinated him too. He decided to make Chuka the main center of eco-tourism in UP. The Chief Minister has said that we should preserve the things that nature has given us and do not disturb them.

better night accommodation

There are also better accommodation arrangements for the tourists coming to Chuka Beach. In this, you can book water, tree, bamboo and Tharu hut built in Chuka beach. Booking can be done by visiting Forest Corporation online website www.uptourism.gov.in. After this, new and effective arrangements were made so that the people coming to visit Chuka do not face any problem in staying and can get all the information while visiting there. Due to all these qualities, Chuka is capable of enchanting everyone from children to youth and elderly people. The gathering of rare wild animals at one place amidst a huge reservoir, dense forest and high mountain range makes Chuka very special.

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