
World Mental Health Day: Change in lifestyle is a major cause of stress

Ranchi, Manoj Singh : The hectic life has filled life with stress. This stress is taking the form of disease. Psychiatry is becoming a big problem. People of Jharkhand are also not untouched by this. This has also been revealed in the study of Ranchi Institute of Neuro Psychiatry and Allied Science (Rinpas). The institute has conducted a detailed study on the patients who came for treatment since the formation of the state till the year 2020. Many shocking facts have come to light in this. In the last 20 years, the number of men compared to the total patients coming for treatment has decreased. In the year 2000, 72.87 percent of the total patients were male, which increased to about 66 percent in 2020. At the same time, the figures of female patients have increased by about seven percent.

Experts analyze this data in two ways. He says that the misconceptions regarding psychotherapy have reduced. For this reason, women have now started coming to psychiatric institutions for treatment. Another fact is that stress has increased among women. His lifestyle has also changed. It is also true that in the last 20 years the number of people coming to the institute for treatment has increased almost seven times. In the year 2000, 15126 patients came for treatment, but in 2020 this number has crossed one lakh. This study has been done by PhD scholar Reena Minz under the supervision of Dr. Amul Ranjan Singh, former director of the institute.

heal yourself like this

  • Need to improve mental health services

  • Identify the sectors where more cases are coming.

  • There should be arrangements for psychiatric treatment at the district level.

  • Drug addiction is a major cause of mental illness, a plan should be made to stop it.

  • Emphasis will be laid on capacity development of people associated with this profession.

  • There is a need to fix the family system

  • The number of professionals treating mental illness needs to be increased

  • Different short term courses should be run

Most of the patients have primary education

According to the study, 20 years ago most of the patients who came for treatment were illiterate. That means their figure among the total patients was about 57 percent. At the same time, in 2020, most of the patients who came for treatment had primary education, whose percentage was around 52. Whereas about 17 percent illiterate and 12 percent intermediate passed reached for treatment. About two percent graduates and three percent people with professional education also came for treatment in 2020.

Men in the city are becoming more psychopaths

The number of mentally ill people is increasing in urban areas. In the year 2000, about 57.3 percent of the total patients were urban males, which has increased to 64.42 percent in 2020. At the same time, the percentage of women coming for treatment from urban areas has fallen. In the year 2000, 42.7 percent of the total patients were urban women, which has now reached 36.88 percent. Whereas in rural areas, the number of women in total patients has increased from 16 to 31.9 percent in the year 2000.

More pressure on middle income group people

The study shows that middle income group people are under more pressure. Due to financial reasons, his mental problems are increasing. 20 years ago, only 36 percent of those who came for treatment were from the middle income group. Now it has increased to about 64 percent. At the same time, only 35 percent of the patients belonging to low income group came for treatment. The number of patients belonging to high income group was only one percent. Experts believe that there are many types of pressures on the middle income group, the impact of which is visible in the study.

More women aged between 40 to 60 years came for treatment.

In the last 20 years, maximum number of women aged between 40-60 years came to the institute for treatment. In the year 2000, only 13 percent women of this age group came for treatment, which reached about 45 percent in 2020. At the same time, the percentage of patients in this age limit among men increased by about 11 percent. Most mental illness was found in men in the age range of 25-40 years. Whereas among women this age group was 41 to 60 years. Reena Minz, a PhD scholar who conducted the study, writes that mental illness occurs at this age mainly due to social and economic reasons. Mental problems increase in many people due to family reasons.

Mental illness decreased in married men, increased in women

According to the study, mental illness is decreasing among married men, while it is increasing among women. Family pressure is more visible on women. In the year 2000, 88 percent of the total patients were married men, while the percentage of women was about 32. In 2020, the number of married women increased to 46.3 percent, while that of men decreased to around 74 percent. In the year 2000, 1817 married male patients came for treatment, whereas in 2020, about 51854 male patients came. In the year 2000, the number of married women who came for treatment was 3888, which increased to 18149 in the year 2020.

There should be arrangements for treatment of patients at lower level: Dr. Amul Ranjan

Dr. Amul Ranjan Singh, former director of Rinpas, says: This is a new type of study in itself. In this, patients of 20 years have been assessed from many perspectives. Many new facts have come. Increasing percentage of female patients is showing pressure on the middle class. This type of study can play an important role in policy making. There is a need to take mental illness seriously. There should be arrangements for treatment of patients at the lower level. He said that the reason for the increasing number of patients is not just psychiatry. Now the medical system has become better. The misconceptions regarding mental illness are being dispelled. Now people are fearlessly reaching out for treatment. Have started looking for solutions to small problems. This is the reason why the number of mental patients has also increased.

This is how the picture changed after the formation of Jharkhand

Case – Year 2000 – Year 2020

  • Male patients – 72.87% – 66 %

  • Female patients – 27.13% – 34%

  • Male patients up to 20 years – 19% – 09%

  • Male patients aged 21-40 – 42% – 39%

  • Male patients aged 41-60 – 38% – 49%

  • Male patients above 60 years of age – 01% – 03%

  • Female patients up to 20 years – 34% – 20%

  • Female patients aged 21-40 years – 51% – 28%

  • Female patients aged 41-60 years – 13% – 45%

  • Female patients above 60 years of age – 02% – 07%

  • Married men – 88% – 74%

  • Unmarried men – 68% – 53.7%

  • Married women – 12% – 26%

  • Unmarried women – 32% – 46.3%

  • Men coming from urban area – 57.3% – 64.42%

  • Women coming from urban areas – 42.7% – 36.88%

  • Men coming from rural areas – 83% – 68.1%

  • Women coming from rural areas – 16.9% – 31.9%

  • Illiterate patients – 57.37% – 12.79%

  • Primary and middle school pass – 29.27% ​​- 52.49%

  • Secondary – 7.82% – 17%

  • Inter – 2.67% – 12.2%

  • Graduate – 2.11% – 2.26%

  • Professional – 0.58% – 2.36%

  • Low Income – 63.1% – 35.26%

  • High income earners – 0.06% 0.98%

What percentage of patients suffer from which type of disease?

Disease Name – Year 2000 – Year 2020

  • Organic Symptomatic Mental Disorder – 2.8% – 10%

  • Drug addicts – 31.6% – 34.35%

  • Schizophrenia – 12.6% – 7.16%

  • Mood Disorder – 15.36% – 12.35%

  • Neurotic stress – 20.8% – 10.5%

  • Behavioral Disorder – 0.5% – 2.6%

  • Adult Personality Behavior – 0.63% – 01%

  • Mental Retirement – 20% – 16.10%

  • Psychological Development – ​​2.35% – 0.77%

  • Emotional Disorder – 04% – 1.7%

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