
World Blood Donor Day 2023: If you hesitate to donate blood, then remove all the confusion in these 15 points

Ranchi, Guruswaroop Mishra

On hearing the name of blood donation, some people start shying away from it. There are many misconceptions related to this, due to which people refrain from donating blood, whereas the truth is that it has less harm and more benefits. Blood donation is necessary at an interval of three months for a healthy life. One unit of blood can save the lives of three to four people. June 14 is World Blood Donor Day (World Blood Donor Day 2023). On this occasion, do you know what is the confusion among the common people regarding blood donation and what is the truth? Clear all your doubts from Dr. Chandra Bhushan, Senior Resident of RIMS Blood Bank in 15 points.

Common people have these misconceptions about blood donation

1. Blood donation makes the body weak.

People believe that donating blood makes the body weak, but this is not true. Your body does not become weak after donating blood. Provided you listen to the doctor’s advice and follow it.

2. Blood donation is a painful process

Often people believe that the process of donating blood is very painful, but the truth is that while donating blood, there is a different smile on the face and there is a feeling of happiness.

3. Can’t donate blood more than once

People think that they can donate blood only once, but it is not so. Every healthy person can donate blood 4 times in a year. You can donate blood once in an interval of 3 months.

4. Donating blood increases stress

There is a misconception among common people that donating blood increases stress. People believe that the problem of headache increases after blood donation, but the truth is completely beyond this. Donating blood neither causes any kind of stress nor does it cause headache, but regular blood donors are more mentally happy.

5. Disease resistance is low

People believe that blood donation reduces immunity, that is, the ability to fight diseases, but this is completely wrong and it has been seen that people who donate blood regularly remain more healthy.

Remove this confusion about blood donation

6. Blood pressure does not remain stable by donating blood

There is also a misconception among people regarding blood donation that after this the person has a problem of BP, but there is no problem like high or low BP after blood donation.

7. Donating blood takes a lot of time

It takes a lot of time to donate blood and thinking that many people miss out on doing this noble work, but blood donation is a process of at most half an hour.

8. Fear of infection from blood donation

People are afraid of spreading infection after blood donation, but there is no infection after donating blood because this whole process is absolutely safe.

9. Smokers cannot donate blood

If you smoke, do not smoke just one hour before and after donating blood. It is necessary to follow it for good health.

10. Weight Makes a Difference

If someone tells you that the weight decreases or increases after donating blood, then it is absolutely wrong. Nothing like this happens. There is no effect on your weight after donating blood.

Donate blood for a healthy life by removing confusion

11. Pregnant woman can donate blood

This thing is totally wrong. No matter how healthy a pregnant woman is, she cannot donate blood.

12. Blood donation causes iron deficiency in the body.

By donating blood, the body does not suffer from any kind of iron deficiency.

13. Take rest for a whole day after donating blood

Even after donating blood, you can do your day to day work comfortably. After donating blood, you do not need rest for the whole day.

14. Can’t donate blood after tattooing and body piercing

There is no restriction on donating blood for people who get tattoos and body piercings, but they need to wait a bit for this. Donate blood only after a few days.

15. Vegetarians cannot donate blood

According to a survey, many people believe that vegetarians cannot donate blood. This leads to iron deficiency, whereas it is not so. Iron is a major component found in the blood, which is found less in a vegetarian diet, but as long as you are eating a balanced diet, you will get enough iron and you can donate blood even if you are a vegetarian.

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