
Women Care: Never make the mistake of eating these 5 things during periods, otherwise cramps will increase.

Every woman is aware of period cramps. It is very difficult for women to tolerate the cramps that occur during menstruation. The period cycle is often accompanied by many symptoms like fatigue, bloating, mood changes and cramps.

Do not consume these things during periods

Amidst the unbearable cramps and mood swings, you just keep looking for some comfort food, but there are some food items that add insult to injury. In such a situation, it is wise to avoid these things. So let us know which are those food items which should not be eaten during periods.


If you don’t want to make your menstruation worse, reduce your caffeine intake. Try to consume only one cup of coffee daily. Drinking excessive coffee can cause vasoconstriction – a narrowing of the blood vessels, which can make your cramps worse during menstruation. This may also increase discomfort and swelling.

carbs and sugar

Blood-sugar levels fluctuate a lot during menstruation. If you consume too much sweets during this phase, it adds fuel to the fire. Your blood-sugar level will rise and fall rapidly. Additionally, sugar is inflammatory and can increase cramps and you definitely don’t want that to happen.

Dairy Products

Eating too much dairy products is not the best idea, as it can cause cramps. Dairy products like milk, cheese and ice cream contain arachidonic acid, which can increase inflammation and intensify your menstrual pain.

fatty food

Fatty food increases the number of prostaglandins in your body and can cause your uterus to shrink. The contraction of the uterus will increase the cramps and cause you discomfort. Even fatty meat should be avoided during this period due to saturated fat which can increase menstrual pain.


Craving chocolate during periods is quite normal, but it is not good when it comes to managing your periods. Chocolate can increase your prostaglandin levels which may cause you to experience more menstrual cramps. If you want to eat chocolate, then take only dark chocolate and that too in limited quantity.

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