
Woman and man killed in firing between two sides in Meerut, police force deployed after tension in the village, know the matter


Meerut: In Uttar Pradesh’s Meerut district, on Sunday night, two parties fired after a dispute between children, in which a woman and a youth died. There was a stir in the area due to the double murder. As soon as the information was received, senior police officers reached the spot and controlled the situation. In view of the tense situation after the incident, police force has been deployed in the village.

In Salempur village of Kharkhoda area of ​​Meerut police station, there was a dispute between the two parties in the argument of the children on Sunday night. The matter escalated so much that one side entered the religious place and started firing, due to which 35-year-old Mairaj of the other side fell injured due to bullet injuries. Angered by this, the other party also fired, in which 45-year-old Afroz, wife of Iqbal of the first party, was shot.

Due to the firing on both sides, the people of the area came in panic and they closed the doors of their houses. At the same time, the family members took the injured man and woman to the hospital, where they were declared brought dead.

On the information of the double murder, police and administration officials reached the hospital and tried to convince the people. During this, both the sides again got ready to fight by accusing each other. But, the police officers handled the situation. On the other hand, in view of the tense situation, police force has been deployed in Salempur. The police raided the houses of the people associated with both the sides regarding the massacre. But, the accused are absconding.

On the other hand, regarding the incident, the villagers told that two days ago there was a quarrel between the children of Iqbal and Mehraj side of the village. When the dispute escalated, the villagers pacified both the parties by explaining them. But, after Roza Iftar on Sunday, when all the people gathered outside the mosque in the village itself to offer Namaz, both the sides also reached there. After this there was a dispute again and two people died in several rounds of firing. Police has registered a case regarding the incident.


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