
Winter session: MLAs will not be able to use mobile phones in the House, new rules prevent the Honorable from carrying phones.

Lucknow : MLAs will not be able to use mobile phones in the House. The new rules prevent the Honorable from carrying a phone during the proceedings of the Legislative Assembly. The new rules banning members (MLAs) from carrying mobile phones inside the House will come into effect when the Uttar Pradesh Legislative Assembly sits in the Legislative Assembly Hall here on November 28 for the winter session. Even before the implementation of the new rules, MLAs have started demanding permission to take their mobile phones into the House. The trend of using phones in the House is gaining momentum. The ban on mobile phones in the House is part of the UP Legislative Assembly Rules of Procedure and Conduct of Business-2023, which were adopted by the state assembly during the monsoon session (in August 2023). It also prohibits the display of flags or any other displayable objects. At present, the State Legislative Assembly has not yet made any arrangement for safe storage of mobile phones outside the Legislative Assembly chamber.

Speaker Satish Mahana said – House will run according to new rules

According to the English newspaper Hindustan Times, Legislative Assembly Speaker Satish Mahana said, “Yes, the new rules of the House will now be implemented, and the winter session of the House will be held under the provisions of the new rules. The new rules prevent members from carrying mobile phones inside the House. People aware of the developments said that the new rules have been introduced to enforce discipline in the House. A Samajwadi Party member was found broadcasting the House proceedings on Facebook Live, which enraged Speaker Satish Mahana and he asked the MLA to leave the House immediately. A senior official said that a member used one of the computer tablets installed at the seats of all the MLAs to play cards or video games and such activities could create a bad impression about the entire House. Members, mainly some members of the opposition, display flags, banners and placards with slogans to register their protest.

MLA will request Speaker for mobile phone

Justifying the demand of allowing members to carry their mobile phones in the House, Samajwadi Party Chief Whip Manoj Kumar Pandey said, “We keep our mobile phones in silent mode inside the House. We will request the speaker to keep the mobiles in silent mode. We, as members of the House, cannot afford to alienate the people of our constituencies. “If any person in our constituency needs immediate attention or hospitalization, we have to help the people. We would request the Speaker to either allow mobile phones inside the House or to provide a private secretary to attend to mobile phones when the House is in session. Such private secretary should be allowed to enter the House to inform members about any urgent calls,” Pandey said.

Earlier there was no permission to carry mobile phones inside the House.

Congress Legislature Party leader Aradhana Mishra ‘Mona’ said that earlier also mobile phones were not allowed inside the House. “However, we will request the Speaker to allow mobile phones with some conditions. This is necessary because a public representative must remain accessible to the people in any emergency,” Mishra said. Expressing similar sentiments, some others have already made their sentiments known to the leaders of their respective parties. Other rules included in the new rule book include banning members from smoking, tearing any document and holding things high in the lobby of the House. Stops talking loudly. No member is expected to stand or sit with his back turned to the Speaker. Members are expected not to approach the Speaker (Chair) in person. If needed, they will be able to send a slip to the Speaker through an officer of the House.

New rules came after 65 years

After about 65 years, work has been done on new rules. The change has become necessary after the use of electronic devices to implement the National e-Vidhan Application (Neva) to make the proceedings of the House paperless. In 1958, when the Rules of Procedure and Conduct of Business of the UP Legislative Assembly were made, there was no television in India. It made its mark on an experimental basis in 1959. The State Legislative Assembly has been telecasting its proceedings live for the last few years.

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