
Will important information related to the end of Indus Valley Civilization be revealed? New research regarding crater of Kutch

A group of geologists at the University of Kerala, Thiruvananthapuram, claims to have made an important scientific discovery that may help in better understanding the events leading to the end of the Indus Valley Civilization. Geologists have claimed that the crater at Luna in Kutch in Gujarat was formed due to a meteorite impact, which is probably the only such large crater since the beginning of human life on Earth. The pit-like shape formed after a meteorite hits is called ‘crater’.

Analysis of molten rock from the crater site confirmed that the rocks were the remains of a meteorite and that the incident occurred within the last 6,900 years. This time corresponds to the prosperous period of the Indus Valley Civilization. The head of the team that made this discovery was geologist K. S. Sajin Kumar told ‘PTI-Bhasha’, they can only confirm that this event has happened within the last 6,900 years. To know its exact time the exact date needs to be determined “

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