
Wife and daughters came to meet Afzal Ansari in jail, emotional after seeing the family, BP found high in medical examination


Lucknow : Afzal Ansari, the elder brother of former MLA Mafia Mukhtar Ansari, was sentenced to four years imprisonment and a fine of Rs 1 lakh by the Ghazipur MP-MLA court in the Gangster Act case. After being sentenced by the court, he was sent to the district jail. Afzal Ansari’s wife Farhat Ansari and two daughters reached the district jail to meet him on Monday, the third day of his sentence. Afzal was examined by a three-member health team in the afternoon. BP got increased in this. The jail administration is taking a lot of precaution regarding meeting Afzal.

Afzal became emotional after seeing his wife and daughters.

According to the rules, a convicted criminal can be met only twice in 15 days. In this, preference is given to the family and very close ones. After sentencing on Saturday evening, nephew Muhammadabad MLA Suhaib had reached to deliver the goods. Whereas on Monday the wife and daughters came to meet. The meeting took place between 11:00 am to 2:00 pm after cutting the slip at seven in the morning. During this the LIU team remained present and kept an eye on all the activities. Sources told that Afzal became emotional after seeing his wife and daughters. This meeting took place for about 40 minutes.

BP found higher than normal in health checkup

After this, a three-member team of doctors arrived for Afzal’s health check-up at 2:30 pm and Afzal’s ECG was done. In which sugar, BP and blood were also examined. In the investigation, BP was found to be higher than normal. According to the jail manual, all facilities are being provided to Afzal. On the other hand, Mafia Mukhtar Ansari has also been sentenced to 10 years imprisonment and a fine of five lakh rupees in the same gangster act. On November 22, 2007, Afzal Ansari and Mukhtar Ansari were included in the gangster chart at Mohammadabad Kotwali in Ghazipur district and a case was registered against them under the Gangster Act.


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