
Why the risk of heart attack increases in cold weather, know the ways to avoid it

Heart Attack Increases In Winter:As the cold increases, the risk of heart attack or heart failure increases. Actually, due to cold the blood vessels shrink. It can increase your blood pressure which can increase your risk of heart attack and stroke. The problem of angina or chest pain can also increase due to coronary heart disease in winter. When coronary arteries shrink in cold. When it is cold outside, your heart works harder to maintain the general temperature of the body.

damage to heart muscle

If your body temperature falls below 95 degrees, hypothermia can cause damage to your heart muscle. High blood pressure can result in the coronary arteries narrowing, reducing the amount of blood and oxygen reaching the heart and its muscles. The result may be a heart attack.

People’s weight increases in cold weather

People’s weight gain also increases during cold weather. Along with this, physical exercise also reduces. Both these factors increase the chances of experiencing complications which may lead to a heart attack. Additionally, people may overeat, which increases the problem of weight gain.

have a healthy diet

Eat good food in winter means take a healthy diet. Avoid foods that are fried, fatty, high in sugar or high in cholesterol as these can increase your chances of developing heart disease.

Always keep your body warm in cold

Often we do not wear properly warm clothes in cold weather. Due to which we have to face many problems. In such a situation, if you are sensitive towards cold temperatures, then wear clothes in enough layers to maintain your body heat and eat warm things. This will provide warmth to your body.

Do not go outside the house in cold

If you have heart disease, then try to stay indoors as much as possible during cold days so that sudden cold stroke can be avoided. Go out only for some work. And even if you are going out, wear warm clothes only.

Stop drinking and smoking

Keep a close eye on medical conditions like kidney, vascular and blood pressure issues. If these diseases are not treated, they increase your risk of developing heart problems. Stop smoking as it increases your risk of developing heart issues.

You may be troubled by Vitamin D deficiency

Vitamin D deficiency may occur because either people spend more time indoors or some areas get less sunlight. Many researches have investigated the relationship between vitamin D deficiency and cardiac disorders. Although there is no evidence to support it, vitamin D intake may be indirectly linked to a reduction in heart problems.

Stay physically active in winter

Be physically active during the winter season even if it seems difficult. Exercise should not be done outside. You can do yoga, dance, soft aerobics, home exercises or meditate. Regular exercise helps you stay fit and keeps your body warm.

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