
Why is there so much noise on social media about nose cover, know why the new Gen Z is sharing such poses.

Nose Cover Trend

New Gen Z children and new trends

There is always something trending on the internet. Sometimes bathing with an ice bucket and sometimes something else. In recent times, a new trend has alarmed the people of the older generation in which the new Gen Z children are sharing photos in a special way. Gen Z kids everywhere seem to be jumping on the trend, including Tyson Fury’s daughter Venezuela, who was seen covering her face in a family photo

photo covering nose

Boxer Tyson Fury’s wife Paris shared a photo of her niece’s birthday in her Instagram story. According to the New York Post, when the elders in the house expressed their displeasure over the picture covering the nose, they were more surprised than the response to doing so. The parents were shocked as to why these children were doing this.

How did this become a trend after all?

Such behavior of a child in family photos would look really annoying. You will wonder what has happened to today’s children, but when you finally get the same answers, you will be shocked as to how this became a trend. Now let us tell you the reason for this is that these children are told that if their pictures are posted online without their consent then they will do the same.

A way to avoid people teasing you

Nowadays teenagers are active online and these days anyone is being roasted a lot on social media. They often look for embarrassing pictures of each other on social media so that they can be roasted. According to the Post’s report regarding this trade, covering the faces of teenage children is a way to avoid teasing from the people doing the roast.

avoid random posts

For parents, every picture of their children is very special. Like the braces on his teeth or his first pimple. But the thinking of today’s youth has changed a lot, they feel that such posts in online social circles affect their image in their own online social groups. To avoid such thoughtless posts, teens are covering their noses.

acne breakouts

Parenting experts are also citing the emergence of acne among teenagers as a major reason behind this emerging trend. This is the age where teenagers look for the freedom to take decisions on their own. In such a situation, children are following this trend to avoid getting roasted on social media.

Want to save yourself from getting roasted and please your parents

Before posting photos on social media, children these days use many filters and share the most beautiful poses and beautiful looking pictures so that they get a lot of likes. Now, if we want to save ourselves from being roasted and want to please our parents, we cover our nose and get photographed. Therefore, the trend of covering nose is becoming the favorite trend of Gen Z.

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