
Why is Shri Ram called the soul of India, know the importance of the name Ram

Ayodhya Ram Temple: The month of January 2024 is going to be historic for the people who believe in Sanatan Dharma, because in this month, Ramlala is going to be consecrated in the grand Ram temple being built in Ayodhya. On January 22, the idol of child form of Lord Ram will be installed in the sanctum sanctorum of the temple. Its preparations are going on in full swing. The enthusiasm of devotees in the country and the world regarding this is at its peak. Lord Ram, who resides in Ayodhya, is not only the strength of the weak but is also adorable and ideal. The character of Shri Ram is equally inspiring for the humans from Tretayuga to today. That is why Ram is the soul, life and worshiper of India. In all the religious texts including Ramcharitmanas and Shrimad Bhagwat Geeta of Tretayug, there is mention of the incarnation of God that whenever there is a loss of religion and immorality increases on earth, then some divine power appears and endeavors to live a legal life according to religion. Does. If we take a deep look at this proclamation of the scriptures that every human being as the smallest unit of society, in the scope of Satyayuga, Treta, Dwapar and Kaliyuga, there will be instances of unrighteous life and the concept of incarnation in all the ages. A lot will become clear.

The name of Shri Ram is the tendency to live life ideally.

The name of Maryada Purushottam Shri Ram of Treta Yuga is the name of the tendency to live life ideally. By taking the incarnation of Vishnu, he did not take the form of a god, but took the form of a human being. Controlling the mind is the form of a human being, otherwise every human being is a part of Brahmanand. Not only the mother of Lord Shri Ram, but every mother gives birth to a child after unbearable labor pain, at that time only Vishnu, Ram and Krishna appear to the child. But parenting cannot be like God’s parenting as described in the scriptures, hence every mother, like Mata Kaushalya, brings up her child not as God but as a child. Kaushalya also did the same and asked Shri Ram to give up his four-armed form and assume the form of a child.

Why did challenges come in Shri Ram’s life?

The sages also put the incarnate personalities in challenges and adverse situations so that every human being can take inspiration from them that when the life of God can be in danger, then human being is human after all. What could be a more opposite situation than the fact that the wife of Shri Ram, the incarnation of Lord Vishnu, was kidnapped. Shri Ram himself wanders in the forest and cries for his wife. The question also arises that Shri Ram, the favorite of Devadhidev Mahadev, is mourning for his wife like ordinary humans! This lamentation of God takes him to the height of divinity, because he gave the message to the coming generation that it is absolutely necessary to be worried for the protection of one’s better half. Only in this situation can the institution called family be protected. If seen at the ideological level, Mother Sita is the embodiment of peace. Have appeared from the earth. The earth cannot survive without peace. Violent actions not only disintegrate human power but also destroy nature. That is why father Janak set the condition of breaking Shiva’s deadly bow in Swayamvar for Sita’s marriage. Janak ji did not want to marry Sita to a physically strong prince, but wanted to marry his daughter Sita to a messenger of peace. If Shiva’s bow is defined in today’s context, then it was no less than an atomic bomb. When Shri Ram broke it with the remote method of today’s scientific era, there was a disturbance in nature, but there was no loss of people’s wealth. If this bow had been broken by an ignorant king, it could have caused great damage. The bow was not heavy, because Sitaji had moved it several times while playing. According to Valmiki Ramayana, it was enclosed in a box with eight wheels and had five doors. This symbol also seems to be connected to Ashtanga Yoga and the five senses. If the kidnapping of Sita, the embodiment of peace, is taken in this form, then if the peace-loving tendencies of the mind are hijacked by Ravana of materialism, then one should struggle like Shri Ram to save the positive tendencies and protect them from wrong thoughts, otherwise someday the negative tendencies will take over the life. Will subordinate to Lanka.

This is how ordinary people become divine men.

Maryadapurushottam Shri Ram’s 14 years of exile can also be seen from the perspective of Kundalini awakening in Yoga Shastra. Yogis awaken this and become divine men. Yoga scholars say that a snake keeps a three and a half circle coil in the Muladhar Chakra. When it remains dormant, the person remains an ordinary person, but when it is awakened through spiritual practice, the seeker becomes a divine person. Brahmanand is experienced as soon as the dormant snake, coiled in the Muladhar, enters the Sahasrar Chakra. Top scholar of Hindi literature Acharya Ramchandra Shukla has also mentioned Vishnuji among many synonyms of Kundli in Hindi Shabd Sagar. From this point of view, the meaning of the serpent going to the Sahasrar Chakra of the coiled snake becomes like the couplet of Ramcharitmanas ‘Je jaani tehin dei janai, jaant tumhahin tumhahin hoi jaai’. That means he starts realizing divinity.

Draupadi was abducted like Sita.

The Pandavas got huge support from the life of Lord Shri Ram during the Kaurava-Pandava conflict in the Dwapara Yuga during the kidnapping of Draupadi by Jayadratha against Duryodhana’s only sister Du-Shala. Even in the Vanparva of the Mahabharata text, the incident from the birth of Shri Ram to the coronation is mentioned in 14 chapters. This is not a coincidence, but here also the idea of ​​Kundalini awakening of Yoga-Shastra is visible. Jayadratha caught sight of Draupadi, the wife of the Pandavas who were traveling in the forest with the help of Dhritarashtra’s sons. All five Pandavas were in the forest and only Draupadi was at the hut. Like Ravana, Jayadratha also forcibly kidnapped him as a guest. Pandavas chased Jayadratha and rescued Draupadi from kidnapping. Bhima wanted to kill Jayadratha, but Dharmaraja Yudhishthir freed him from the death penalty on Jayadratha’s promise to accept slavery, but the devoted Draupadi became depressed due to the guilt of being touched by another man. Then Markandeya Rishi mentioned the incident of kidnapping of Shri Ram’s wife Sita. Yudhishthir expressed curiosity to hear the complete story of Shri Ram. Sage Markandeya narrated the entire story to generate self-confidence in Yudhishthir. Then Yudhishthir got strength. God-men are those who are exemplary. Even today, quotes from Shri Ram’s life are given at every step, hence Ram is the soul, life and worshiper of India.

Importance of Ramnam

When Lord Ram’s army started building a bridge to attack Lanka and stones inscribed with the name ‘Ram’ started floating in the hands of Nal-Neel, there was panic in the Lankan army. In order not to let the morale of his army fall, Ravana said to the army chief – You got scared just because of this simple thing. In childhood, I used to throw a stone with my name on it while playing, and it also floated. If I don’t believe it, I do this. When he threw a stone marked with the name ‘Ravan’, it also started floating. The restlessness of the army went away. When Mandodari came to know about this information, on returning to the palace, she asked to know the secret of this miracle – Swami, you had never done such a miracle before? Ravana said – Mandodari, Ravana was actually written on the stones, but while leaving them in the sea, he remembered ‘Ram’ and kept saying to the stones, ‘If you swear by Shri Ram, it will not be right if you drown’. Ravana knew that if he wanted to save himself from drowning, then the name of Ram was his only support. From the point of view of modern science, ‘Ram’ is not just a name, but a software of creative life, which if loaded (adopted) in one’s mind, will help in crossing life itself.

Lokabhiram Ranrangadheeram Rajeevnetram Raghuvanshnatham. Karunyarupam Karunakaram Tan Shriramchandram Sharanam Prapadye.

आपदामपहर्तारं दातरं सर्वसम्पदाम्। Lokabhiram Shriram Bhuyo Bhuyo Namamyaham.

(The name of Lord Ram is a Mahamantra in itself. Chanting it in times of crisis removes sorrows.)

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