
Why do clouds burst more in hilly areas only?

Who does not like to get wet in the rain and float paper boats in the rain water. Rain not only supplies water to our earth and environment, it is also beneficial for humans, animals and plants, but sometimes this rain takes a formidable form and becomes the cause of devastation all around. .

what is cloudburst

When this rain water falling drop by drop collects and falls very fast on the earth, then it is called cloudburst. You can understand this in simple language that if many small holes are made in the bottom of a bucket or balloon, then when water is filled in it, the water will slowly fall down like raindrops, but if only its base If it is broken, all the water will immediately come down with full speed. The same situation happens with clouds as well. Scientists mainly consider two reasons for cloudburst.

First, when clouds of the same charge (positive and negative) gather at a place in the sky where warm and cold winds exert pressure on them from both sides. When a gust of hot air collides with these clouds filled with moisture, then these clouds explode. During this, there is heavy rain accompanied by lightning and strong thunderstorms. In such a situation, several lakh liters of water falls on the earth simultaneously in a limited area. Due to cloudburst, the rain is so intense that it becomes difficult to measure it. The speed of water falling on the earth is about 36 kilometers per hour. It rains more than two centimeters in a few minutes, as if a whole river has descended from the sky to the earth.

More effect in hilly areas

This happens more in hilly and riverine areas, because there both hot and cold winds blow and the clouds passing through there get caught in them. There, due to heavy rains for some time, the mountains or glaciers start breaking down, the land starts sliding and the houses built in that area start breaking in no time. Along with this, the second reason for more cloudbursts in the mountains is that these clouds carry a lot of water in the sky. When there is a big obstacle in their way, then they suddenly explode after colliding with it. In our country, during the monsoon, clouds move northwards from the Bay of Bengal and the Arabian Sea, the Himalayan Mountains obstruct their path. Clouds explode after hitting the Himalayas and rain torrentially at a speed of more than 75 mm per hour.

how does it rain

You must know how it rains. Due to the heat of the sun, the water of lakes, ponds, rivers and oceans evaporates. Small particles of water gather in the sky along with dust particles and take the form of clouds. They gather at a height of about 15 kilometers from the earth. They are basically positive and negative charges. When these clouds collide with each other, lightning flashes in them and the water stagnant in them falls on the earth in the form of raindrops. In this way the water cycle remains.

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