
Why did Kaikeyi ask for exile for Ram, know the unique secrets related to Lord Shri Ram

Lord Shri Ram is a great symbol of faith. We are going to tell you about ten secrets related to Lord Shri Ram and Ramayana. In Ramayana, there is a detailed description of the time when Mother Kaikeyi asked for fourteen years of exile for Lord Rama. Mother Kaikeyi loved Lord Rama more than her son Bharat, but how could she ask for fourteen years of exile for Lord Rama. According to the story of Ramayana, Mother Kaikeyi had sent Lord Rama on a fourteen-year exile to ascend the throne of her son. After asking for exile from King Dasharatha for Lord Rama, Mother Kaikeyi was made an object of hatred in the whole world. Mother Kaikeyi had asked for fourteen years of exile for Lord Rama to save King Dasharatha or Raghuvansh, due to which King Dasharatha died due to separation from his son. Let us know the unique secrets related to Lord Shri Ram…

Was Shri Ram a king or a god?

According to religious scriptures, Shri Ram was the incarnation of Lord Vishnu and that is why he is worshiped as a God, along with this he was born as a common man to King Dasharatha in Ayodhya and because of this, being the elder son. Because of this he was made king.

Why did Dasharatha give two boons to Kaikeyi?

In the battle between gods and demons, Devraj Indra sought help from King Dasharatha, during this war, Queen Kaikeyi accompanied King Dasharatha as his charioteer. Queen Kaikeyi had saved the life of King Dasharatha in the battlefield, being pleased with this, King Dasharatha asked Kaikeyi to ask for two boons but Kaikeyi said that she will ask for the boon when the time comes.

Why did Kaikeyi ask for 14 years of exile for Shri Ram?

Kaikeyi was the daughter of King Ashwapati. Shravan Kumar’s father Ratnarishi was the royal priest of King Ashwapati, who taught the scriptures Veda Purana to Kaikeyi. On the basis of astrological calculations, Kaikeyi had asked for 14 years of exile because if any child ascended the throne during the fourteen years after the death of Dashrath, the Raghuvansh would be destroyed.

Laxman did not sleep for 14 years

When Shri Ram, Sitamata and Lakshman were sent into exile, Shri Lakshman did not sleep for 14 years to protect his brother Shri Ram and sister-in-law Sitamata. Lakshman was given darshan of Nidradevi in ​​which he expressed his desire not to sleep for 14 years to protect his sister-in-law i.e. Sita, mother and brother, after which Nidradevi met Sita’s sister and Lakshman’s wife Urmila. She agreed to all the conditions and slept with Lakshman for 14 years.

Why did Ravana not touch Mother Sita

While conquering the world, when Ravana reached heaven, he captured an Apsara named Rambha there and wanted to take her with him. Then Rambha said that I am for your elder brother’s son Nalkuber, hence I am like your daughter-in-law. Ravana forced himself on her and then Kuber’s son Nalkuber cursed Ravana that if he ever touched any woman against his permission, his head would be broken into a hundred pieces.

Shri Ram gave death sentence to Lakshman

It is written in Ramayana that Lakshman followed all the promises and orders of Shri Ram and Sita, where Lakshman used to serve Shri Ram day and night. Once the Lord of Kaal himself, Yamraj, had reached the court of Lord Shri Ram disguised as a sage and during this he asked for a promise from Lord Shri Ram and for not following this promise, Lord Ram gave death sentence to brother Lakshman.

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