
Whoever saw such technique of electricity theft was shocked; You might not have seen such a jugaad.

Electricity theft campaign goes viral: The government has a strict attitude towards preventing incidents of electricity theft. From time to time the government runs campaigns against this act. In this sequence, such houses are being continuously searched in which incidents of electricity theft are being carried out. Such houses are being searched and cases are being registered against people and heavy fines are also being imposed. Meanwhile, many times such cases come to light when people are shocked to see the technique of electricity theft. A recent case from Delhi National Capital Region has surprised everyone. Actually, a huge case of electricity theft has come to light from Greater Noida.

Jugaad was installed inside the wall

The team of Noida Power Company Limited recently raided Tughlakpur in Greater Noida. In this raid, a major case of electricity theft came to light. This was such that even the officers were shocked after seeing it. Actually, in this incident of electricity theft, electricity was being stolen for a shopping complex and about 100 rooms. The government was feeling very hurt by this. Whoever saw this case of electricity theft and its method was shocked.

100 meter long cable pulled out

In fact, in this case, the owner of the shopping complex had made huge repairs on the inside of the wall and covered it with plaster from above. The wires were hidden under plaster, so that no one could know about it. The electricity department team exposed this matter and dug out the wall and took out about 100 meter long cable. The owner of the shopping complex had hidden the cable under the plaster in the wall, so that no one could find out.

This technique was adopted

Electricity department spokesperson said that the accused cut the service cable from the pole and added an additional cable in between and was caught stealing electricity with the help of the same. To prevent anyone from suspecting this, the cable was taken over the roof, through the balcony and hidden inside the solid plaster inside the wall. The accused has a domestic connection of 12 kilowatts, but electricity was being stolen on a large scale by adding a load of 44 kilowatts for commercial use.

Fine of Rs 20 lakh, case registered

According to media reports, the electricity department team took action and imposed a fine of Rs 20 lakh on the owner of the shopping complex. Along with this, a case has also been registered against the owner in the police station.

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