
White Hair Home Remedies: What is the home remedy to blacken white hair naturally?

White Hair Home Remedies: Graying of hair is common in today’s time. The problem of graying of hair persists even at a young age. Once upon a time, hair used to turn gray after a certain age, but now even children’s hair has started turning grey. The main reason for this is bad lifestyle. People are not able to take care of themselves, the direct impact of which is visible on their health. Due to poor diet, hair is turning gray at an early age. If you are also troubled by your gray hair, then today we will tell you about some home remedies with the help of which you can blacken your hair naturally.

Amla and Fenugreek Powder

If you want to blacken white hair naturally, you can apply Amla and fenugreek seeds. For this you have to mix one tablespoon fenugreek powder and amlaka powder in a vessel. Add 4 tablespoons of olive oil and mix well. Leave this paste overnight. Apply this all over your scalp in the morning and then wash your hair with water. You will have to do this process along with herbal shampoo for a whole month. You will see its effect in a few weeks.

Almond Oil and Lemon Juice

If you want to blacken white hair then apply a mixture of almond oil and lemon juice on your scalp. Leave it like this for at least half an hour. Actually, Vitamin E is found in almond oil. Which turns white hair black easily.

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curry leaves and mustard oil

If you want to get rid of white hair, then cook curry leaves and a cup of mustard oil thoroughly. When it cools down, filter it in a bottle and massage your hair with it every week. By doing this the hair will turn black. Let us tell you that Vitamin B is found in curry leaves. Which helps in preventing graying of hair. If someone’s hair is turning grey, then start applying curry leaves and oil from today itself.

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onion juice

Blackening white hair is a difficult task in today’s times but it is not impossible. If you also want to blacken your white hair, then mix lemon juice in one spoon of onion juice and also add olive oil to it. Massage it thoroughly into your scalp and hair every week before washing your hair. Then after an hour wash the hair with a cloth. Within a few days your white hair will start turning black again naturally.

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