
When the boss harassed him, the employees did this, sent the picture to his wife

Such news is coming from Vadodara city of Gujarat which has become a topic of discussion in the entire country. Actually, here the employees taught a troublesome boss a lesson which is in the news. The English website Times of India has published news regarding this. If reports are to be believed, two employees together taught the boss a lesson. They harassed the boss for three months by making him a victim of honeytrap. The employees pressurized the boss to send the nude picture, after which it went viral among his acquaintances. This picture reached his wife also.

One of the two people harassing the boss, the promoter of the software firm, is a woman who had quit the job. It is being told that she left the job after being harassed by her boss. According to reports, three months ago, the woman prepared a plan with her male friend and prepared a complete plan to teach the boss a lesson. They prepared to take revenge for the insult by honey-trapping the boss and blackmailing him.

Boss got upset

The boss became upset after this act. He lost his night sleep. After being troubled for three months, he contacted the cyber police and lodged a complaint. After this the police reached the employees and interrogated them. During interrogation, it was revealed that they were often scolded by their boss and also had the habit of making fun of them, due to which both of them were mentally disturbed. Police said that the woman, who had left her job, along with her friend prepared a plan to teach her a lesson. Together they created a fake Instagram account of a woman and started chatting with the boss four months ago.

Both started sending adult messages

Both of them started sending some adult messages from the account. The boss felt that a woman was chatting with him. Both of them also sent some nude pictures downloaded from a website, after which the boss fell into their trap and sent their nude pictures on the account run by both of them. After this he did not receive any message from this account. After a few days, she sent her nude photos and screenshots of their sexual chats to her boss on his email. After this the boss got scared because he did not know who had honey-trapped him. In the month of September, a similar email was sent by the duo to the HR department of the firm.

Sent pictures and chats to wife on mail.

This pair did not stop here. He mailed the pictures and chats to his wife. Not only this, a printout of the photographs was sent through speed post to the office where she works. When the boss was mailed pictures of his trip to a shopping mall in November, his mind was blown. Police said that both of them were also following him and they wanted the boss to have sleepless nights. It is being told that when such emails did not reduce till the end of November, the boss decided to contact the cyber crime department, which tracked the two through IP addresses. Vadodara ACP (Cyber ​​Crime) Hardik Makadia said regarding the matter that it was a case of corporate enmity. We have taken necessary legal steps, but the complainant is not in the mood to pursue the case.

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