
When someone refused to marry after gender change, his friend took his life, know the whole matter

In Thalambur, Chennai, a friend cheated on his birthday and took his life. The woman was a technical expert by profession. Before killing him, his friend, whose name is Veteran, tied him with chains, then cut his throat and then sprinkled petrol on him and burnt him alive. That madman did all this because even after gender change, his female friend had refused to marry him. This is actually the story of two female friends, one of whom got her gender changed to marry the other. After refusing to marry, there was a difference of opinion between the two, although both of them kept talking continuously. Both of them were former classmates in a girls school in Madurai, where they became friends. On the day of the incident, both of them met, roamed around, went shopping together and then on the way home he took her life.

Went to Chennai after B.Sc degree

The victim obtained a B.Sc. degree in Information Technology after leaving school. The victim had got a job in Chennai eight months ago. She was living with her uncle in Chennai. On Saturday, her friend called her and asked the victim to spend a few hours with her. They both met and bought new clothes for him and insisted on taking him to an orphanage near Tambaram, went there and donated. After this the veteran offered to drop him home. On her way back, she stopped at an isolated place in Ponmar where she tied both her hands and legs of her friend with chains and then cut her neck and arms with a blade and then poured a bottle of petrol on her and burnt her.

remained present with the police

The veteran burnt the victim and ran away from there. People nearby called the police and when the police called him, he recognized the victim as a friend. He remained with the victim while taking her to the hospital. The veteran went missing late Saturday night before the victim’s death.

Life taken due to closeness to another person

On Sunday, the police arrested the veteran on charges of murder. Police said that the accused was upset that the victim had broken relations with him. Had refused to have relations with him. A few years ago, the veteran had his gender changed in a private hospital. After that the victim said that they had no future together. Quoting the veteran, police said that recently she had become close to a colleague at work and that’s when she decided to kill her. He has been sent to judicial custody and further investigation is underway.

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