
What is tropical cyclone? Does it affect humans?

What Is Tropical Cyclone

Tropical Cyclone: Tropical cyclones, also known as typhoons or hurricanes, are among the most destructive weather events. They are strong circular storms that originate over warm tropical oceans, and have maximum sustained wind speeds of more than 119 kilometers per hour, causing heavy rainfall.

Where Are Tropical Cyclones Seen?

Where are tropical cyclones seen: Tropical cyclones occur around 5° to 30° of the equator, but they also have different names depending on where in the world they form. Tropical cyclones initially move towards the west (due to easterly winds) and slightly towards the poles.

Why Are They Called Tropical Cyclones?

Why are they called tropical cyclones: The practice of naming storms (tropical cyclones) began years ago to help with quick identification of storms in warning messages because it is believed that names are much easier to remember than numbers and technical terms.

5 Reasons For The Formation Of A Tropical Cyclone

5 reasons for the formation of a tropical cyclone

  • Large sea surface with temperatures above 27°C

  • Presence of Coriolis Force

  • Small changes in vertical wind speed

  • Pre-existing weak low pressure area or low level cyclonic circulation

  • Upper deviation above sea level system.

What Is Cyclone

What is Cyclone: Any large system of winds that rotates around a center of low atmospheric pressure in a counterclockwise direction north of the equator and in a clockwise direction south of the equator.

What Are The Causes And Effects Of Tropical Cyclones?

What are the causes and effects of tropical cyclone?: Cyclones are storms that occur in low pressure areas with heavy rainfall. They are caused by the continuous process of rising of warm air over the surface of the ocean. This empty space is occupied by the surrounding cold air, which gets heated and rises up.

Reason Behind Cyclone

What is the cause of cyclones?: Cyclones develop over warm water in tropical areas of the oceans where air heated by the sun creates areas of very low pressure. Due to this, the air rises very quickly and becomes saturated with moisture which becomes saturated and turns into large thunder clouds.

How Do Cyclones Affect Humans?

How do cyclones affect humans?: They include many different hazards that can have a significant impact on personal life and property, such as hurricanes, floods, extreme winds, tornadoes, and lightning. Combined, these hazards interact with each other and substantially increase the potential for loss of life and material damage.

How Does A Tropical Cyclone Affect The Environment?

How does a tropical cyclone affect the environment?: Tropical cyclones remove forest canopies as well as alter the landscape near coastal areas by moving and reshaping sand dunes and causing extensive erosion along the coast. Even in inland areas, heavy rainfall can cause landslides in mountainous areas.

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