
What is the significance of Aal (Suran), Banana and Pisces in Pind Daan? Whose meat did Lord Ram perform Pind Daan with?

Patna. Just as sesame seeds, basil and naivedya are required in the worship of Narayan, similarly Kabakab (Suran), banana and Meen (fish) are required in the invocation of ancestors. Just like Bilva leaves are offered in the worship of Shiva, similarly there is a tradition of offering ‘Pinda’ of one’s choice to the ancestors. In this regard, MahaBrahmin Prabhakar Jha of Jitwarpur, a great friend of Mithila king, says that just as the people of Shakta community offer sacrifice to the goddess, in the same way the ancestors are given food as per their taste. In such a situation, by not giving fish and meat, you disappoint the ancestors. Just as tantrikas offer meat and liquor to the goddess in their sadhana, in the same way they offer milk to the ancestors and say –

“Urjam vahantiramritam ghritam payah keelalam parishrutam.

Swadhastha Tarpayatme Pitrin’

It is said that there are many similarities in the formality and practicality of these three provinces, Mithila, Bangla and Utkal. Shraddha, Yagya and Homa are also similar in these three provinces. Talking about these areas, along with classical, practicality also has great importance here. All the people of Shakta sect here consume fish meat and also offer it to ancestors and gods in Yagya and Shraddha –

God’s ancestors eat meat and do not feel guilty.

Fish and meat have been given special importance in Shraddha. In the Shraddha rituals of the people of Shakta sect, there is a tradition of preparing fish dish with olive oil, banana and elderberry. The mixture of olive and banana vegetable is given only to the ancestors. People do not eat on other days. Similarly, Buadi fish is fed only to the ancestors. People do not eat on other days. The main reason behind this is the omnivorousness of Buari fish. Buadi survives by eating everything, that is, Buadi also eats female flesh. In Sanatan Dharma, Buadi is called Pathin-

सर्वमान्समायो मीनः पाठीनस्तु especially.

Madhuparke cha yagya cha pitrudaivatkarmani.

अत्रैव पशावो हिंस्याह नन्यत्रेत्यब्रवीनमनुः।

In Madhupark, Yagya, Shraddha and Devpuja, there is a provision for killing animals. Not on any other occasion. Violence on other occasions is the work of demons. Mahapatra Pandit Prabhakar Jha of Mithila royal family says that we follow the scriptures. Do not follow the scriptures as per your wish.

Yagya Jagdhirmansasyetyesh daivo vidhih smritah.

अतोऽन्यथाप्रवृत्तिस्तु रक्षीविधिरुच्यते।

Killing animals for Yagya and eating their meat is a sacred act. Killing an animal just for the sake of eating meat outside of Yagya is a demonic act.

Namanyastu yathanyayam yo manasam naati manav:.

स प्रेट्य पशुतां यती सम्भावनेकविंशतिम्.

A person who does not eat meat himself after offering meat to the ancestors as per the rituals during Shraddha and Madhupark, takes birth in the form of animals twenty-one times after his death. Only such a person should perform Shraddha of ancestors with meat, the appropriate rules apply only to those who eat meat themselves. Those who are vegetarian do not need to offer meat to their ancestors. Maharishi Valmiki has written-

Yadannah purusho bhavati tadannastasya devatah.

These things were not added in the medieval period. It has been going on for a long time. Valmiki lived long ago, see the description in his words. Ram performed the cremation of Jatayu. Jatayu was a friend of Dasharatha, so Shri Ram performed Shraddha in the same way. Like people do for their uncle. Valmiki has written in the 68th canto of Aranya Kanda of Ramayana –

Sthulanhatva Maharoheennutastar tan dwijam.

Rohimansani Chotkritya Peshikritya Mahayasha..33.

Shakunay Dadau Ramo Ramye Haritshadwale.

यत्ततप्रेतस्य मर्त्यस्य कथायंति द्विजातायः..34.

Tatsvargagamanam tasya pitryam ramo jajap hai.

When Ram started performing Pinda Daan after cremating Jatayu, he killed a fat deer and took out its meat and made Pinda from it. Those bodies were placed on green grass and offered to the birds. Ram chanted all the mantras taught by Brahmins for the ghost to go to heaven. In this regard, Pandit Bhavnath Jha says that in North India, almost the same classical rules and practices are seen in Shraddha and Pind Daan, but in Sanatan Dharma, there is a large scale discussion in other areas regarding the Shraddha method of Vaishnavas and the Shraddha method of Shaktas. But a situation of confusion has arisen. People have not only started rejecting the Shraddha system of Shaktas, but have also started protesting at many places. This is a matter of concern.

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