
What is physiotherapy and why is it important for modern lifestyle? Know what experts say

What is physiotherapy?

Physiotherapy is a method with the help of which the stiff body parts are gradually exercised, which helps in removing their stiffness and increases flexibility in people. Nowadays, there are many problems that people are facing in their daily life, if we talk about the most common problems, then people are facing many problems like back pain, stiffness in the back, neck pain, pain in getting up after sitting for a long time. We are facing it every day, and it is not that this problem is only among the elderly, nowadays such problems have spread to every age group from youth to the elderly, in such a situation. Dr. Jayanti Rani (Physiotherapist) Let us know the reasons for such problems and some easy solutions for them.

Many people have the problem of back pain after delivery, what exercises should be done for that?

Pain after pregnancy occurs in 8 or 9 out of 10 women, mostly this problem is seen in women who have C section operation. There can be many reasons for this, but the main reason is that before delivery, the entire weight of the child is towards the front of the body, due to this there is more pressure on the waist during pregnancy and also during pregnancy, the uterus expands. The size increases due to which the veins get stretched. These problems also often occur due to weight gain and calcium deficiency. In such a situation, you lie down straight, keep your hands straight and fold your legs and slowly lift your waist upwards, and hold that position for 10 seconds, repeat this process 10 to 15 times daily.

What exercises should be done for problems like back pain due to sitting for hours in the office?

This problem is seen mostly in youngsters these days, especially in those who go to office or work sitting for long hours. In such a situation, it is most important to keep your posture correct, how you sleep or sit, all these things can cause these pains. Try to sit mostly at a 90 degree angle while you work, apart from this, every half to one hour, get up and walk for 2 to 3 minutes. You can do an exercise comfortably while sitting in the office, you have to put both your hands forward and join the fingers of both the hands together, after this you pull your hands towards the front as if someone is pulling you. Yes, hold this position for 10 seconds, and simultaneously try to touch your chin with your chest, repeat this process 10 times.

What exercises to do for neck pain

Neck pain, also known as cervical pain, is a common problem in today’s time, this pain extends from the shoulders to the back of the neck and reaches the head. There can be many reasons for this problem, such as driving for a long time, or using the phone for a long time, or using a high pillow. To get relief from pain in this problem, you can take the help of ice pack. Talking about exercise, you can do chin tuck exercise in which you have to tuck your chin inwards by placing a finger on your chin, and you can also take help of neck rotation exercise.

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