
What is Hathiya Nakshatra and how many days does it rain? Know its astrological and scientific aspects

What is Hathiya Nakshatra? After a long time, there have been rains for the last two-three days, due to which the weather has become pleasant. At some places light and at other places moderate rains are continuing. The weather patterns have completely changed in most parts of the country including Uttar Pradesh, Bihar, Jharkhand, West Bengal. While people have got relief from the heavy rains after the humidity and heat, the crops are expected to benefit from it. This will also provide great relief to farmers. According to astrology, this rain occurring in most parts of the country is the effect of Hathiya Nakshatra. The duration of rain in Hathiya Nakshatra ranges from about a week to 10 days. This constellation falls from the second fortnight of September to the first fortnight of October. Let us know its astrological and scientific aspects-

What is Hathiya Nakshatra?

Hathiya Nakshatra is a time when light showers occur continuously. This constellation is considered very good for farmers. It is believed that farmers wait for this constellation for their crops. Hathiya Nakshatra is a group of 5 stars, whose shape is like the claws of a hand. Its ruling planet is Moon. In the West it is represented by α, β, γ, δ and ε Corvi. Its position in the constellation is 10VI00-23VI20. This period is generally considered auspicious. It is believed that there is continuous rain in this constellation. However, torrential rains are rarely seen. The duration of rain in Hathiya Nakshatra may vary depending on the location and year. In some years, rainfall may be more intense and prolonged, while in other years it may be less.

What are constellations?

Nakshatra tradition has been going on in India since ancient times. A group of stars in the sky is called a constellation. All these constellations are situated in the path of the Moon, near which the Moon moves. It is difficult to calculate them from Surya Almanac, but they can be easily calculated from Lunar Almanac. The Moon moves in 27 constellations. These are considered the main constellations. Along with this, a secret constellation has also been considered which is called Abhijeet. In this way their number becomes 28.

Description of constellations in Veda-Purana

In Rig Veda, Sun has also been calculated in Nakshatra. According to Bhagwat Purana, all these constellations are daughters of Prajapati Daksha and wives of Moon. According to a story in Shiva Mahapuran, King Daksh married his 27 daughters to Chandrama. But out of all the 27, he loved Rohini more. The remaining 26 Daksha daughters remained unhappy due to this behavior of Moon. He told his father his plight. Daksh explained to Moon but when he did not agree, he cursed Moon with tuberculosis.

Frightened by this, Chandrama went to Brahma. Brahma asked him to praise Shiva. Then Chandrama performed severe penance by establishing Somnath Jyotirlinga. Pleased with his penance, Shiva said that from today onwards there will be two pakshas (Krishna Paksha and Shukla Paksha) in every month, in which your light will continuously increase and decrease, and when you will be in your full form on the full moon day, then you will reside in Rohini Nakshatra.

What are the names of 27 constellations?

1 – Ashwin, 2 – Bharani, 3 – Kritika, 4 – Rohini, 5 – Mrigashira, 6 – Ardra, 7 – Punarvasu, 8 – Pushya, 9 – Ashlesha, 10 – Magha, 11 – Purva Phalguni, 12 – Uttara Phalguni, 13 – Hasta, 14 -Chitra, 15 – Swati, 16 – Vishakha, 17 – Anuradha, 18 – Jyestha, 19 – Mool, 20 – Purvashadha, 21 – Uttarashadha, 22 – Shravan, 23 – Dhanishtha, 24 – Shatabhisha, 25 – Purva Bhadrapada, 26 – Uttara Bhadrapada and 27 – Revati, 28 – Abhijeet.

How is Hathiya described in proverbs?

The rains that started at the time of departure of monsoon have proved the saying of the poet Ghagh to be true. Poet Ghagh has written in his composition, ‘Hathiya Purvai Paavai, Laut Chaumas Lagavai. At present, Hathiya Nakshatra is moving and the east wind has been blowing continuously for the last several days. Monsoon has hit hard as soon as it gets the support of the east wind. Pitru Paksha is the time of departure of monsoon. There is a saying – Boli Lukhari Phula Kaas, now give up hope of rain. During this time, as the evening approached, the sound of the Lukhri, i.e. fox, would start resonating and the grass would also start blooming profusely. Farmers had given up hope of rain. But Pitru Paksha’s Hathiya Nakshatra has raised the hopes of the farmers. Hathiya Nakshatra, along with the east wind, has created a rainy atmosphere for the last 48 hours. Badra is raining intermittently. There are smiles on the faces of the farmers. For the farmers, this rain in Pitru Paksha will prove to be very beneficial for the upcoming Rabi crops.

Weather forecast may change due to climate change

Questions have been raised many times, from the estimates of the Meteorological Department to astrological calculations. Even science itself does not claim its predictions to be accurate on a scientific basis, so many recent researches have also started showing that due to climate change, forecasting rainfall will become more difficult. On the other hand, astrological calculations are also sometimes not accurate.

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