
What is Corona’s connection with heart attack, know from the expert how you can save your life in case of heart attack.

These days, the risk of heart diseases and the number of deaths due to it is frightening. Dr. Ram Shankar Upadhyay, Medical Scientist, Harvard University In a conversation with BollywoodWallah.com, the reason for the increasing cases of heart diseases and what is its connection with Corona and how to save the life of the victim during the golden hour. Many useful information was provided regarding this which is very important for everyone to know. Dr. Ram Shankar Upadhyay told that the results have come out today. If you pay attention to them, you will find that the number of deaths in the whole world has increased to a great extent in 2023. In the reports that have just come, the UK report is about 15 to 20 percent of people dying due to other reasons. Deaths are increasing due to this and according to the data released on deaths due to other types of diseases, all case mortality is 10 percent in the US, 20 percent in Australia, about 15 percent in Canada, 20 to 25 percent in Japan, Scotland, Ireland. 15 to 20 percent.

risk of heart diseases

He said that you can imagine that the numbers and deaths happening around the world are more than in previous decades and one of the major factors in the death figures is cardio vascular disease. That means heart related diseases. Another report which has been published on 23 January 2024. According to the press release of the British Heart Foundation, in the last 14 years there have been one lakh more deaths in Britain than the number of deaths due to heart related cases. At least that is the UK published report that they have released. These days, in India too, cases of death due to heart diseases are increasing. Heart problems have increased these days.

23 year old teacher dies of heart attack during prayer in school

Dr. Ram Shankar Upadhyay told why so many heart problems are increasing. It is extremely worrying that today’s population has suffered from corona virus infection, whether mild or severe. We all know that corona virus causes inflammation inside our body. Inflammation means that it promotes swelling in the vessels. When there is any kind of swelling in the muscles inside the heart, it increases heart-related diseases. It is believed that if there is swelling inside the heart, it makes the heart beat uncontrolled. When our heartbeats become uncontrolled, they will either become fast or slow. When this happens continuously, the person will have to face heart failure or cardiac arrest. This is a major reason that our population has been affected by Corona virus for some reason, due to which there is swelling in any part of our body, then if this problem of uncontrolled heart beat persists then it gives rise to the possibility of cardiac arrest. gives.

Why do even fitness conscious people become victims of heart attacks?

Often the question arises that why even a person concerned about fitness becomes a victim of heart attack. Talking about its reasons, if any muscle of the heart gets swollen then its ability to function gets affected. If this happens continuously then the functioning of the heart will not be proper and due to this the blood supply will not be equal. Will happen.

These symptoms are not seen normally, in such a situation, if the person is in the gym or traveling by train, then a sudden heart attack or cardiac arrest can occur. The reason for this is that there has been an injury somewhere in his heart muscles. Due to inflammation, his heart is not able to function properly due to which he suddenly gets a heart attack.

What types of symptoms can be seen?

  • There are no major symptoms of inflammation, the person will not know that he has the problem of inflammation. But there are some symptoms to keep an eye on

  • For example, if a person used to be able to run 5 kilometers earlier but now he gets tired in four kilometers, gets tired in three kilometers or has difficulty in breathing.

  • There is some kind of pain on the left side of the heart while running and exercising.

  • There is some kind of pain in the jaw or he feels his throat getting choked.

  • The fatigue inside his body is never ending.

  • He feels that he is tired of doing every work. Earlier, he was able to do the routine without getting tired, but now he is not feeling any trouble in doing those tasks. If he is feeling difficulty then such a patient should talk to his doctor. Or you should go to the doctor and get a complete test done so that it can be diagnosed at the right time without any emergency.

Which medicine to give in case of cardiac arrest and how to save life

heart attack

Dr. Ravi Shankar Upadhyay told that no heart condition occurs suddenly. The biggest thing is that the condition arises but we are unable to pay attention to it. That means they are not aware. For this it is important that every person needs to be alert. We should keep in mind that we are in the post Covid phase, there are people who have hypertension and are overweight. Are diabetic patients and it is possible that their diabetes is completely uncontrolled. Or someone already has any lung related disease.

If someone is living with these types of diseases and has got Covid infection, then such a person is more likely to have heart related problems. While giving suggestion, he said that for such people, there is Government Authority or Government of India, health institutions like Heart Association of India are also under their control, they should pay attention to these things and make such guidelines so that within those guidelines, we can inform such people. If you are already suffering from these diseases then it is possible that you may have to face heart related diseases.

What you should do ?

  • Such persons should keep with them the emergency heart treatment given to the patient.

  • If a person suffering from these diseases feels pain while walking and knows that he already has these diseases, then do not ignore that pain.

  • Sit down and see if the pain goes away. If the pain does not go away, it is called angina pain. In that case, approved blood thinner medicines can be used. After this the person should inform his family and consult a doctor.

  • If the pain does not go away even after taking tablets, then three medicines must be kept, mainly cholesterol reducing tablets.

  • Clot buster should be used if the pain does not stop.

  • The third medicine, Nitroglycerin, should be kept under the tongue.

  • These three medicines are called loading dose. In such a situation, it may take a lot of time for you to get medical help.

need to be alert

  • He told that there is a need to be alert to avoid such situations. Checkups should be done from time to time.

  • He told that we should pay attention not to do very laborious work like not doing too much exercise in the gym.

  • Eat food at proper intervals.

  • Useless supplements which should not be taken without consulting a doctor.

  • You should not consume synthetic supplements as per your wish.

  • Health awareness can protect your health to a great extent

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