
What are BS3, BS4 and BS6 standards? Get information like this before buying a car

New Delhi : With the onset of winter season, pollution has started increasing in almost all the small and big cities of the country including Delhi and the Air Quality Index (AQI) there has started getting worse. In the country’s capital Delhi, the government has extended the ban on the movement of BS standard diesel-petrol engine vehicles. Along with this, Delhi Government is making artificial rain through anti smoke mobile vans to reduce pollution. On the other hand, the Supreme Court has also instructed the government that vehicles running on petrol and diesel have only 17 percent share in increasing pollution. The biggest thing is that it is very important for people to know what is the standard BS of vehicles. Then let’s know…

what is bs standard

First of all it is important to know what BS is? The full form of BS is Bharat Stage. This is a standard measuring vehicle pollution. This standard has been prepared by the government for vehicles running in India. Now you can also ask the question that how can we find out about a vehicle, what is the BS standard of which vehicle? The answer to this would be that the BS standard of any vehicle is known from its number. Through that number it is found out how much pollution the vehicle with this number will spread. These numbers include BS3, BS4 and BS6.

what is bs3

BS3 standard is a standard set by the government for vehicles to reduce pollution in India. It started in vehicles from the year 2000. The vehicles made from this were kept in BS2 standard. The vehicles manufactured before this were kept in BS1 standard. Vehicles manufactured around the year 2010 and after the introduction of Bharat Stage standard have been kept in BS3 standard.

what is bs4

After BS3, BS4 standard was decided by the government to reduce vehicle pollution. For this, many updates were made by the companies in the engines of the vehicles. BS4 standard was implemented in India from April 1, 2017. This means that vehicles manufactured after April 1, 2017, are within the BS4 standard.

Know about BS6

To further reduce the pollution caused by vehicles in India, BS6 standard was implemented by the government. At present, only BS6 standard vehicles are being sold in the entire country. The first phase of BS6 was implemented from April 1, 2020. After this, the second phase of BS6 has been implemented from April 1, 2023.

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