
What 17 doctors could not do in 3 years, ChatGPT did it in a jiffy; An angel for a sick child

  • ChatGPT helped a mother find the right diagnosis for her 4-year-old child

  • Before using ChatGPT, she consulted 17 doctors, but received no satisfactory advice.

  • ChatGPT immediately suggested a rare neurological condition, which turned out to be accurate.

ChatGPT Diagnose Tethered Cord Syndrome in 4 Year Old After 17 Doctors Failed : Whenever there is pain or any disease in our body, the first thing that comes to our mind is the doctor. Just imagine what happens when doctors are unable to find a cure for your disease? Something similar happened with four-year-old Alex and his mother Courtney. Actually, according to a report in Today.com, this child was suffering from toothache for a long time. In three years, even 17 doctors together could not relieve this child’s toothache. This had increased the troubles of both mother and son.

The work which 17 doctors could not do…

What 17 doctors could not do in 3 years, ChatGPT did in a few minutes. It is quite possible that you may be shocked, but it is true. Artificial Intelligence (AI) has revolutionized industries around the world. It has made people’s work easier, saving their valuable time for other important tasks. AI went one step further and created new dimensions of its achievements when it told a worried mother about the illness of her four-year-old child. The woman, named Courtney, turned to ChatGPT to diagnose her child, who was suffering from persistent toothache and stunted growth.

Alex’s mother says she saw 17 doctors over three years for her child’s chronic pain, but no one could find a diagnosis that could explain all of his symptoms.

first understand the whole matter

According to a report in Today.com, the name of this child is Alex. This child’s mother Courtney told that despite not wanting, she had to give pain killers to her child to provide relief from pain. Alex’s mother told that during Covid-19, Alex found it painful to chew anything. Even after consulting many doctors, no doctor could diagnose the disease. Even after seeing many doctors and doing many tests for three years, Alex’s mother was disappointed everywhere. Then one day Alex’s mother thought of taking the help of ChatGPT. The mother of this child told ChatGPT about the symptoms of the disease seen in her child.

AI tool diagnosed rare neurological disease

What ChatGPT told after knowing about the symptoms of the disease seen in the child was quite shocking. This AI tool revealed that the child had a rare neurological disease called Tethered Cord Syndrome. In this way, the work which 17 doctors could not do in 3 years was done by ChatGPT in just a few minutes and then in this way ChatGPT emerged as a messiah for this child. This is not the first time that ChatGPT has given information about a disease. Even before this, ChatGPT has prescribed the correct medicine for the disease.

Chatbot gave advice like an expert in medical science

Professor Anil Gohi of the University of North Carolina recently claimed that a patient had come to him for treatment, about whose disease the professor asked GPT4 how this disease should be treated? You will be surprised to know that GPT4 suggested treating the disease and giving medicine in the same way, which was going on in Professor Anil’s mind. Not only this, like an expert in medical science, the chatbot even gave information about the compound of the medicine and its effects on the body after consuming the medicine.

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