
West Bengal: Crude heroin was being brought hidden in a long distance bus, Bengal STF arrested the supplier.

Kolkata, Vikas Kumar Gupta: Acting on the basis of secret information, the Special Task Force (STF) team of Bengal Police has arrested a drugs supplier with crude heroin. The name of the arrested accused has been given as Sujit Vishwas (26). He is a resident of Taherpur in Nadia. 4.769 kg of crude heroin has been seized from him. Its price in the market is said to be around Rs 20 lakh. He was bringing these drugs from Assam to Nadia district via Siliguri by hiding them in a long distance bus. Meanwhile, he was arrested by the Bengal STF team.

Raid in a long distance bus in Siliguri

It is being told that on the basis of secret information, the team of Siliguri Unit of STF raided a long distance bus near Fulbari turn in Siliguri. During this raid a young man was arrested with crude heroin. He told during preliminary interrogation that he had boarded this bus from Rangia in Assam to Siliguri. He told that a person from Nadia had sent him this crude heroin to bring it from Assam.

Seized 4.769 kg crude heroin worth Rs 20 lakh

He was going to take this heroin from Assam back to Nadia via Siliguri. Only after this he was arrested near Fulbari turn of Siliguri. Police say that after searching that long distance bus, four packets of black colored heroin were found. Whose total weight is 4.769 kg. The police is finding out who else is involved in this gang along with him.

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