
Were you also ill with Corona for a long time? Such patients are more likely to have multiple organ abnormalities – Research

To shed light on these questions, the C-MORE study was launched in the UK, focusing on the late effects of the virus in hospitalized patients.

Some studies conducted on long-term Covid have looked at damage to multiple organs in the same patient. And those that have done so have focused on patients who were not hospitalized with Covid.

This makes our study unique. However, like any pioneering study, there are some limitations.

The latest results above are based on preliminary data (interim analysis of half of the people included in the study). Full analysis is still awaited.

Pre-Covid MRI scans of the patients were not available, making it difficult to draw definitive conclusions about the relationship between Covid and organ changes.

The control participants did not exactly match the patient population, but we adjusted our analyzes to account for any differences, ensuring that the findings were as accurate as possible.

MRI scans do not always explain symptoms experienced in individual organs. For example, even if an organ appears normal on an MRI, the patient may still exhibit associated symptoms. The only strong association identified was between lung abnormalities and chest tightness.

Still, this study was an important effort to better understand the long-term effects of COVID on multiple organ health.

This reminds us to remain alert to the possibility of long-term consequences of the disease and the importance of vaccination. Especially in people at risk of serious infection.

Based on the results of our study, doctors and health services around the world can now refine follow-up care, focusing on the lung, brain, kidney and blood vessel health of patients recovering from severe COVID infection.

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