
Weight Loss Tips: These are the 5 most effective exercises to reduce arm fat

Weight Loss Tips: If fat gets accumulated in any part of our body then it becomes very difficult for us to get rid of it. To remove fat from the body, we join a gym or along with it we also take the help of dieting. Frozen fat can be removed from the body with proper exercise and diet. In such a situation, today’s article can prove to be useful for those people who want to reduce the accumulated fat from their arms. Today we are going to tell you about five such exercises which you can do at home. These exercises will help you in reducing the fat accumulated in your arms.

chair dips

This is a fat burning exercise that tones not only the arms but also the back muscles. To do this exercise, choose a bed or chair which is slightly higher than the ground. Any chair or bed that is stable on the ground can be a good option. A sofa with a soft cushion may not be a good option for doing this exercise. Due to this, it can be more difficult to do this toning exercise.

Chair Dips
chair dips

arm circles

This is an arm exercise that is used in most workout routines to tone and shape loose arms. This exercise can be done with or without the use of weight.

Arm Circles 1
Arm circles


Push ups are the best ab workout for a six pack without using any machines. This is an easy exercise to develop toned arms and a strong core. By doing push-ups regularly your muscles can be strengthened. It may be difficult to maintain balance in the beginning. You should do push-ups while trying to balance on your hands and knees.

Push Ups 1

Half Moon Rotation Exercise

Arm exercises to reduce fat and tone muscles are not always difficult and time consuming. Even moderate intensity exercises with slow and controlled movements can effectively tone the arm muscles. The half-moon rotation exercise works the biceps and triceps muscles in the shoulders and arms.

Half Moon Rotation
Half moon rotation exercise


People often enjoy doing this exercise and it can help in reducing the fat on your arms quickly. This is one of the best cardio workouts for weight loss. As the name suggests, this exercise is like opening and closing scissors. To start, stand straight and raise your arms in front of you to shoulder height.

Scissors Exercise 1

Disclaimer: BollywoodWallah does not confirm the tips and methods mentioned in this news. You can take it only as a suggestion. Before taking any treatment, definitely ask the doctors once and follow all the instructions.

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