
Weather Report: Monsoon knocks in Kerala a week late, has departed towards Bay of Bengal

New Delhi : In Kerala, after a week’s delay, the monsoon finally knocked on June 8, 2023 i.e. Thursday. The Indian Meteorological Department (IMD) has announced this on Thursday. However, in the weather forecast of IMD, it was being said that the effect of the cyclone named ‘Biparjoy’ in the Arabian Sea turning into a severe cyclonic storm will also be visible on the monsoon and after the arrival of monsoon in Kerala, there will be slight rain in the beginning. The IMD has said that the southwest monsoon has arrived in India on Thursday after a week’s delay from its normal time. He said in a statement that the southwest monsoon has reached Kerala on Thursday i.e. June 8.

Monsoon moving towards Bay of Bengal

A statement issued by the India Meteorological Department (IMD) said that the monsoon has covered remaining parts of South Arabian Sea and parts of Central Arabian Sea and entire Lakshadweep region, most parts of Kerala, most parts of South Tamil Nadu, Comorin area. It is moving towards the remaining parts of the Gulf of Mannar and parts of southwest, central and northeast Bay of Bengal.

Monsoon reaches Kerala a week late

Generally, the southwest monsoon reaches Kerala on June 1 and generally it reaches about seven days before or after June 1. In mid-May, the IMD had said that the monsoon could reach Kerala around June 4. Private weather forecasting center ‘Skymet’ had predicted the arrival of monsoon in Kerala on June 7 and said that the monsoon could come three days ahead of June 7.

Monsoon is changing its date since 150 years

According to IMD data, the monsoon onset date over Kerala has varied over the last 150 years. In the year 1918, the monsoon arrived in Kerala much ahead of time on 11th May and in 1972 it arrived late on 18th June. The southwest monsoon reached Kerala last year on May 29 in 2022, June 3 in 2021, June 1 in 2020, June 8 in 2019 and May 29 in 2018.

It will rain from Mumbai too

Research shows that delayed onset of monsoon over Kerala does not necessarily mean delayed onset of monsoon over northwest India. However, the delay in arrival of monsoon over Kerala is generally associated with delayed onset of monsoon over southern states and Mumbai. Scientists say that even the delay in the arrival of monsoon in Kerala does not affect the total rainfall in the country during this season.

Rain not affected by El-Nino

The IMD had earlier said that despite the development of ‘El-Nino’ ​​conditions, India is expected to receive normal rainfall during the southwest monsoon season. Normal or deficient rainfall is expected over Northwest India. East and Northeast, Central and South Peninsula are expected to receive 94 to 106 per cent of normal rainfall during this period. Rainfall below 90 per cent of the average during the monsoon period is considered ‘deficit rainfall’, between 90 per cent and 95 per cent ‘below normal’, between 105 per cent and 110 per cent ‘deficiency’. Rainfall above normal’ and rainfall exceeding 100 per cent is considered ‘excessive rainfall’.

Normal rain is necessary for agriculture

Normal rainfall is very important for the agricultural scenario of India. 52 percent of the total agricultural area is dependent on rain. Apart from generating electricity across the country, it is also important for refilling important reservoirs for drinking water. Rain-fed agriculture contributes to about 40 per cent of the country’s total food grain production, which makes it an important contributor to India’s food security and economic stability.

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