
Weather Forecast: There will be rain in these states, know the weather condition of your area

Weather Forecast Today saturday and sunday

According to Skymet Weather, during the next 24 hours, moderate to heavy rain is expected in Assam and Meghalaya. There may be heavy rain at some places in Sikkim, Arunachal Pradesh, South Kerala and Andaman and Nicobar Islands.

Weather Forecast Today mp and chhattisgarh

According to Skymet Weather, there is a possibility of light to moderate rain over Northeast India, parts of West Bengal, North Odisha, Jharkhand, Bihar, Goa and Lakshadweep. At the same time, there are chances of light rain in Jharkhand, North Chhattisgarh, Jammu and Kashmir, Gilgit-Baltistan, Muzaffarabad, Ladakh, South Central Maharashtra, South Interior Karnataka, Tamil Nadu and Kerala.

Weather Forecast Today up

According to the latest update of the Meteorological Department, monsoon has withdrawn from most parts of Uttar Pradesh. Therefore, the intensity of the rains has slowed down and has now stopped. However, due to cyclonic conditions and other reasons, there may be sporadic rain at some places. According to Zonal Meteorological Centre, Lucknow, the weather will be dry in Western UP on Saturday, while there may be rain and thundershowers at one or two places in Eastern Uttar Pradesh.

Weather Forecast Today Bihar

The standard date for withdrawal of monsoon in Bihar is between 8th to 10th October. But this time the monsoon is likely to return around October 15. Meanwhile, there is a possibility of light rain in some parts of Bihar. The Meteorological Department has predicted a slight delay in the arrival of cold. Like last year, this year too the state received less than normal rainfall. Even in October, rainfall is likely to be below normal in most parts.

Weather Forecast Today Jharkhand

In Jharkhand, there is a possibility of light to moderate rain at isolated places in the southern parts of the state on October 7 and 8. There is a possibility of light to moderate rain at isolated places in the north-eastern parts of the state on October 9. The Meteorological Department has predicted rain in different parts of the state for the next 3 days. The department has said that there will be light to moderate rain in the state till October 9.

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