
Weather Forecast: There will be rain here due to low pressure, know the weather condition of your area

Weather Forecast today bihar and jharkhand

Rainy season continues in some states of the country. Bihar and Jharkhand are also included in these states. India Meteorological Department (IMD) has predicted rain in some parts of the country on Sunday. However, the phase of departure of monsoon is now going on from many states. The Meteorological Department has expressed the possibility of heavy rain in Eastern India till October 3.

Weather Forecast today bengal and bihar

India Meteorological Department (IMD) said that in the eastern part of India, there are chances of heavy rain in Himalayan West Bengal, Sikkim and Bihar on Sunday. Apart from this, the department has expressed the possibility of rain on the western coast of the country on Sunday. Talking about the weather in the western part of the country, there are chances of rain in Konkan, Goa and central areas of Maharashtra also.

Weather Forecast today mp and chhattisgarh

There is a possibility of rain in Chhattisgarh and East Madhya Pradesh also on Sunday. The Meteorological Department has issued warnings of heavy rain across Odisha. There are chances of rain in all the districts of Odisha. Meanwhile, India Meteorological Department (IMD) has issued ‘Yellow Alert’ in 13 to 14 districts of the state except Kottayam in Kerala.

Weather Forecast today Jharkhand

The effect of low pressure in North-West Bay of Bengal has started becoming visible in Jharkhand. It has started raining in many districts including the capital. It is expected to become more effective in the next 24 hours. The weather center has issued orange and yellow alerts regarding this. Due to low pressure, there may be heavy rain at isolated places in different districts of the state on different days.

Weather forecast today bihar

For Bihar, the Meteorological Department has issued an alert regarding rain on Sunday. The Meteorological Department has said that there will be heavy rains in Bihar from October 1 to October 4.

Weather Forecast today up

According to meteorologists, the weather will be dry in Western UP from October 1 to October 5 in Uttar Pradesh, while there are chances of rain or thundershowers at one or two places in Purvanchal. For now the feeling of heat will persist. The scourge of humidity continues in Purvanchal.

Weather Forecast today heavy rain/imd alert

According to Skymet Weather, during the next 24 hours, light to moderate rain over Bihar, Jharkhand, Southeast Uttar Pradesh, parts of Chhattisgarh, West Bengal, Andaman and Nicobar Islands, South Konkan and Goa, South Madhya Maharashtra, Marathwada. There may be heavy rain at some places. There are chances of light to moderate rain in Northeast India, Sikkim, Odisha, Southern Chhattisgarh, Eastern Uttar Pradesh, Eastern Madhya Pradesh, Coastal Andhra Pradesh and Lakshadweep. There is a possibility of light rain in Uttarakhand, Himachal Pradesh, Jammu and Kashmir, Vidarbha and Tamil Nadu.

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